WELCOME TO PACK xxxx’s JOIN SCOUTING NIGHT Fall 2011 Pack xxxx Key Contacts: Website: Name, Committee Chair, Phone; Name, Cub Master, Phone;
Agenda: Tonight we will… Introduce Cub Scouting Main Benefits of Scouting 12 Core Values Who is Pack xxxx? Answer Questions Sign Up New Scouts!!!! Pay Dues (New Scouts, Siblings ) (Dues include BSA registration, Activities, Boy’s Life magazine, awards and advancements, etc.)
Introducing Cub Scouting A core-values driven global organization Combines fun with educational activities –“Fun with a Purpose” Helps strengthen character, citizenship, and physical fitness Teaches understanding and acceptance of cultural diversity for today and tomorrow Make Many New Friends!!! Help your son learn ideals like honesty, courage, responsibility and respect. Family “Centered”
Character Connections 1. Citizenship 7. Honesty 2. Compassion 8. Perseverance 3. Cooperation9. Positive Attitude 4. Courage10. Resourcefulness 5. Faith 11. Respect 6. Health and Fitness12. Responsibility
Benefits of Scouting Scouts have…. - Higher Education Levels - Better Leadership Qualities - Stronger Values - Greater Preparation and Focus for the Challenges of Tomorrow and beyond Scouts are more “Service-Oriented”
More Simply… Teamwork-Focused Sports No Scouting without “Outing” Community Service Recognition for Achievements Making New Friends Family FUN!!! FUN!!! FUN!!
Pack Meeting Fun
Den Games!!! Den Meeting Fun
Camping / Day Camp Fun
PACK xxxx – A Closer Look Chartered by the xxxx in The Pack meets once a month (generally the 3rd Wednesday) in the cafeteria of XX Elementary School for fun, information, and recognition. Pack leadership meets at least once each month to plan pack activities Dens meet at least twice a month (in addition to the regular pack meeting) whenever it is convenient for their leaders and members. Last year the Pack had xx boys and xx leaders registered. Pack xxxx is a “Centennial Quality Unit Award, “Honor Unit Award” and “National Summertime Pack Award” recipient. Proven Track Record of Achievement
Pack Structure
Pack xxxx Leadership Cub Master – Name Asst. Cub Masters – Name(s) Committee Chairman – Name Treasurer – Name Secretary – Name
Leader Training All Leaders undergo a thorough background check Leaders complete Youth Protection Training (YPT), This is Scouting, and Leader Position- Specific Training as a minimum starting point Additional training includes First Aid, CPR/AED, Safe Swim Defense, Safety Afloat, Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO), etc…. Cub Scouting follows and practices Two-Deep Leadership approach
Den Structure Dens usually contain 6-8 boys led by one or two adult leaders and are formed as follows: –Tiger Den (1 st graders) –Wolf Den (2 nd graders) –Bear Den (3 rd graders) –Webelos I Den (4 th graders) –Webelos II Den (5 th graders) All den rosters should be finalized by the end of September and you will be contacted.
Current Den Leaders Webelos II Den 5: Webelos II Den 6: Webelos II Den 7: Webelos I Den 8: Webelos I Den 9: Bear Den 10: Bear Den 11: Bear Den 3: Wolf Den 1: Wolf Den 2:
Previous Pack Activities –Cub Scout Day Camp -- Air and Space Museum visit –Webelos Day Camp -- Great Falls Hike –Goshen Resident Scout Camp -- Camping at Cunningham Falls –Camping at Cumberland Falls -- Luray Caverns –Cub World Resident Camp -- Goose Creek Clean Up –Sugarloaf Mountain hike -- Camping at Brunswick, MD –C&O Canal hike/campout-- Shenandoah Tubing –W&OD Bike trip -- Water Park –Corn Maize at Temple Hall Farm-- Science Museum Overnight –Bowling and Pizza-- Sleeping with the Sharks –Winter Swimming at Ida Lee –Scout Night at Frederick Keys –Scouting for Food Drive –Annual Pinewood Derby –Annual Blue & Gold Banquet
What’s Planned for This Year? Service Project Visit to Heritage Hall Nursing Home (October) Fall camping trip (October) Pack Hike (November) Scouting For Food community service (November) Pinewood Derby (January) Blue & Gold Banquet (February) Conservation/Community Service Project (April) Pop Bottle Rocket Derby (April) Spring Camping Trip (April) Cub Scout Jamboree (May) Annual End-of-Year Campfire (June) Summer Camps (Day Camp, Cub World, Goshen) OTHERS ARE IN THE WORKS…..
Cub Sco_ts R_le!!!! Volunteer Opportunities Pack xxxx is run entirely by adult volunteers. We need everyone’s help in order for things to run smoothly throughout the year. Administrative functions or Program functions No experience required!
Yearly Dues / Fees Pack dues are $125 for the first scout in a family and $90 per sibling. Webelos II scout dues are $100 as these boys will cross over to Boy Scouts in February. Tiger dues are $75 as we consider the requirement for an adult partner to participate with each Tiger at each activity to count towards the volunteer fulfillment. Parents who fulfill a designated volunteer position will be eligible for a $50 credit once they have completed their assignment. An assignment consists of 8 hours of volunteer time. Generally, the pack pays for each scout for pack events. Additional fees may be charged for additional family members. For campouts, the pack pays for each scout and one adult per scout.
In Summary… Cub Scouting is a great experience for elementary school-aged boys and their families. Pack xxxx is a well-respected, organizationally strong and financially sound unit. Most importantly – we’re a FUN bunch! Thanks for coming!
Questions???? Pack xxxx Key Contacts: Website: Name, Committee Chair, Phone; Name, Cub Master, Phone;
Tips for Completing the Application Do not include your son’s Social Security Number. Please be sure to provide at least one address. If you and/or your son has a preference of which den he would like to be in (i.e., with what other boys), please write us a note and give it to us tonight. We’ll try our best to accommodate these requests. Make checks payable to “Pack xxxx.”