IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: Title: Liaison Report for Date Submitted: January 23, 2014 Contributed to IEEE on January 23, 2014 Authors or Source(s): Clint Chaplin, Liaison (Samsung) Abstract: This document is the liaison report on
IEEE presentation release statements This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE ’ s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE ’ s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as stated in Section 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board bylaws and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development Section 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board bylaws
802.11ac – Very High Throughput <6GHz –Successor to n at frequencies less than 6GHz af – TVWS –TV White Space ah – Sub-1GHz –Sub-1GHz Operation ai – Fast Link Setup –Speed up initial link setup aj – CMMW –Chinese Millimeter Wave ak – General Link –Enhancements For Transit Links Within Bridged Networks aq – Pre-Association Discovery –Pre-Association Discovery mc – New Maintenance group (compilation of all approved amendments) –Working towards Groups
Slide 4 IEEE Standards Pipeline - January 2014 PHY Sponsor Ballot MAC Study groups Published Standard WG Letter Ballot aa Video Transport ac VHT 5GHz TG without Approved draft Discussion Topics Published Amendment af TVWS ai FILS ah WNG January ae QoS Mgt Frames ad VHT 60 GHz PAD AQ aj GLK AK HEW Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 4
Osama Aboul-Magd TGac Very High Throughput <6GHz Published!
Rich Kennedy TGaf TV White Space Approved by Standards board in December Due to be published soon
Dave Halasz (needs to be updated) TGah Less than 1GHz First Initial WG Letter Ballot LB200 on draft 1.0 closed October 19, Results 144/54/ % Failed Received 1984 comments. Still addressing comments
Hiroshi Mano (needs to be updated) TGai Fast Initial Authentication First Initial WG Ballot LB198 on draft 1.0 closed September 12, Results 147/51/ % Failed Received 1389 comments Still working to resolve comments: 677 resolved so far
Xiaoming PENG TGaj China MM-Wave Proposal of RoF Relay Transmission Usage Model (11-14/014r0) Update on Opportunistic Transmissions in Multiple Alternative Channels in aj (NT) /1293r3 Update on Spatial Sharing Mechanism in aj (NT) – 11-14/0009r1 Update on TGaj Complete Proposal Presentation (CP) 11-13/1301r2 TGaj Complete Proposal Text 11-13/1302r1 Motion to approve Complete Proposal and Text as the baseline proposal passed Large-Scale Characteristics of 45 GHz Based on Channel Measurement (11- 14/015r1) Reviewed the official timeline for TGaj in 11-13/0437r1
Donald Eastlake (needs to be updated) TGak General Link Accomplishments Adopted the solution to the sub-setting problem in 11-13/526r3. Adopted a timeline. Received, discussed, and in some cases produced the following submissions: 13/0952, “Stacking Tags in LLC Media”, Norm Finn 13/1216, “Tag Solution – Proposal 2”, Mark Hamilton 13/0693, “Comparison of Receiver Subset Techniques”, Norm Finn 13/0562, “Sub-Setting”, Donald Eastlake 13/1453r0, “Testing 802.1Qbz consensus for LLC media”, Norm Finn 13/1458r0, “The use of Timing Measurement with P802.1AS in the context of P802.11ak”, Kevin B. Stanton Met jointly with Thursday morning. There were no objections to solution the tagging problem in 13/1216r0, either in 11ak or at the joint meeting. The minutes of this TGak meeting will be in 11-13/1463 and an annotated agenda is in 11-13/1271.
Stephen McCann (needs to be updated) TGaq Pre-Association Discovery Technical presentations Architecture r2Transaction Protocol Architecture r0 Service discovery architecture r3Protocol Architecture of aq Protocol r0Service Discovery with Association r3Frame Formats for PAM r2 Service Transaction Protocol Requirements r2Essential Requirements
Dorothy Stanley (needs to be updated) TGmc Accumulated Maintenance Changes First Recirculation WG Letter Ballot LB199 on draft 2.0 closed October 23, Results 207/23/ % Received 497 comments Addressed ~180 comments Will incorporate 11ac and go to recirculation March 2014
Osama Aboul-Magd (needs o be updated) High Efficiency Wireless (HEW) SG Yet another meeting with 40+ submissions: –Evaluation Methodologies, Simulation Scenarios, and Channel Models –MAC/PHY Technologies –PAR proposals Discussed the WFA feedback on prioritization of the usage cases and approved a liaison letter back to WFA. – ieee liaison-to-wfa-on-priritization-of-high-efficiency- wlan-hew-usage-scenarios.doc hew- ieee liaison-to-wfa-on-priritization-of-high-efficiency- wlan-hew-usage-scenarios.doc –Started the discussion on the PAR. The SG agenda is available at: 0hew-hew-sg-november-2013-meeting-agenda.ppt 0hew-hew-sg-november-2013-meeting-agenda.ppt
Clint Chaplin WNG Wireless Next Generation SC Three presentations at January 2014 meeting –Requirements for Next Generation mmWave Systems ( wng-requirements-for-next-generation-mmwave.pptx) – James “Train Wreck” Gilb –Beyond ad – Ultra High Capacity and Throughput WLAN 2nd presentation ( wng-beyond ad-a-ultra-high- capacity-and-tpt-wlan-2nd.pptx) – Gal Basson –The New Public Phone Service - Non Contact Ultra High Speed Contents Download ( wng-the-new-public-phone- service-non-contact-ultra-high-speed-contents-download.pptx) - Masashi Shimizu
Andrew Myles (needs to be updated) JTC1/SC6 SC ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 IEEE 802 has 10 standards in process of ratification by ISO/IEC under PSDO The SC reviewed comments on 802.1X and 802.1AE during the ISO FDIS ballot Next SC6 meeting in Ottawa in Feb 2014 Agenda is currently light but more items expected until 3 Jan 2014; currently no discussion scheduled on: –Security topics; WAPI, TEPA-AC, TAAA, TISec –Other topics; UHT/EUHT, AP sharing, WLAN optimisation IEEE 802 will place several items on agenda –Updates of activity in 802.1/3/11 and maybe –Responses to FDIS ballot comments on 802.1X/AE & –Maybe report on outcome of discussions with Swiss NB on TEPA Bruce Kraemer was recommended as HoD –Likely to have four delegates (Kraemer, Harkins, Haasz, Carney)
Rich Kennedy (needs to be updated) Regulatory SC Discussed regulatory summaries for US, Canada and the EU Discussed FCC proceedings and –Opening the 5 GHz bands –RF Exposure DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team discussion –Detect and Avoid 11-13/994r0 (Cisco) –DSRC spectrum modification 11-13/1276r1 (Qualcomm) –Simulations in process; expect results early 2014 –Presentation on Harmful Interference 11-13/1309r0 Qualcomm DSRC coexistence presentation –Requires Part 90 changes to DSRC spectrum
Mark Hamilton (needs to be updated) Architecture SC Ad Hoc Monday: Collected comments on 802 O&A D1.7 –Sponsor Ballot recirc, closed Nov 12 – comments: –Results: 142,8,7 (out of 174 voters; 90% returned; 94% yes; 134 comments) Comments are here: Elected Vice Chair: –Joseph Levy (InterDigital) IETF/802 coordination update – Dorothy Stanley –RFC4441: Reviewed rev5, which has ’s comments included Editorial comments only –CAPWAP: Draft not ready yet Will hold Comment Collection ballot, when draft available Possibly need teleconference to collect comments, or at Jan F2F –PAWS: Behind CAPWAP, coming soon 802.1AC revision –Reminder of material in this document, not written by : – IEEE 1588 mapping to –Work not started yet, expected to be in a couple months Architecture of APs/DS/Portals, and concepts –One submissions this week: model-graphic.pptx arc-alternative-dual-band-ap-reference- model-graphic.pptx –Working on Reference Model diagram updates