Principals Supporting Beginning Teachers Regional Education Facilitators Fall West Area
Session Outcomes Use teacher retention data as a basis to: Understand the connection of administrator leadership to teacher retention at the school level Collaborate with colleagues to develop strategies and provide for: - a positive school culture - optimum working conditions - instructional leadership - teacher support and retention
What Drives Your School?
Discussion Points Reflect on the following: “Teachers with positive perceptions about their working conditions are much more likely to stay at their current school than educators who are more negative about their conditions of work, particularly in the areas of leadership and empowerment” (Hirsch & Emerick, 2007, p. 14, The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement). Do we give our beginning teachers… Encouragement to stay A Purpose Confidence that we believe in them A culture of trust and respect Instructional and professional support
Take a Closer Look at the Data NCDPI Teacher Turnover Report: NC TWC Report:
A Closer Look at the Data
Take a Closer Look at Your District Using the following link, dissect your district in comparison to those around the region: Southwest: p. 41 Western: p. 42 Were there specific events that account for the data? Were there changes in leadership that account for the data? Were there program initiatives that account for the data?
BEST- NC… Did You Know
BEST- NC Did You Know?
BEST- NC Did You Know?
Practical Advice: -A Positive School Culture -Optimum Working Conditions -Instructional Leadership -Teacher Support and Retention
A Positive School Culture Recognitions, Celebrations Sense of Community Transparency Shared Leadership
Optimum Working Conditions Intentional Mentor Selection Attention to Class Size/Workload and Scheduling School Level Support
Instructional Leadership Materials, supplies, resources available Informal feedback (in addition to formal observations) Sharing instructional tools (best practices, educational articles, etc.) Human resource connections
Teacher Support and Retention Relationship Building On-going Communication Being “Present” and “Tuned in”
Factors that Administrators Can Influence Social Environment Interpersonal Relations: Students & Staff Respect for Diversity Emotional Well Being and Sense of Safety Student Engagement School & Family Collaboration Community Partnerships Physical Environment Building Conditions Physical Safety School Wide Protocols Classroom Management Behavioral Environment, Expectations & Supports Physical & Mental Well Being
For Your Reflection Traditional versus Collaborative leaders: collaborative-leadership/ What Great Principals Do Differently PL0D0C6F27E548C92C&index=13
Contact Us Amy Laughter Cindi Rigsbee Monica Shepherd