Design and Drawing for Production - Honors Mr. Snider Cell Phone: [leave message] BS civil UB UB Over 20 years experience as engineer and manager in environmental engineering and nuclear waste remediation
Project Lead The Way Pre-engineering program DDP is the first course in a five course program Honors High school degree College Credit - Some colleges will accept four of the courses, including DDP Must do well on course final
Engineering College Must do well in math and sciences to survive first 2 years of college Physics, Chemistry, and Calculus To prepare for an engineering college program, students should take the most advanced high school classes they can, including AP physics.
Engineering Careers A slowly emptying, partially full bucket Not enough graduates to fill slots, growth better than general, retirements expected to increase Starting Salaries: $45-75K So what? They have a good shot at getting a job, paying off their loans, and moving out of your basement.
Course Highlights Drawing and Design using 3D modeling software –Industrial quality software Learn to develop and communicate ideas Lifetime skills –Reading directions and following them –Managing time –Communicating –Idea generation –Team work
Grading Projects: completed in class –No penalty for being late, but all assignments must be submitted by either the 5 week mark, or the end of the marking period. –Students are allowed to correct and re-submit [once] graded assignments. They will receive partial credit for those errors that are corrected.
Grading, cont. Exams –Quizzes in class throughout the year –National final in June Homework –Minimal due to necessity of needing software. –They have instructions on how to obtain the software for free from home.