Do you use internet for shopping? How often do you shop online? What kind of things can people buy on the Internet? Can you name some online shopping websites you use?
Are these websites familiar to you? ;)
Getting Ready to Read How many people in the class use the Internet for shopping?
True/False 1. An online shopper uses a computer to buy things. True
2.All online shoppers use the Internet in the same way. False
3. Some people spend a lot of time shopping online. True
4. People can go online just to learn about things. True
5. All online shoppers love to shop. False
Vocabulary anything hard usually wearprice expensive information decide worry
I can do anything for you!
Rocky is hard to beat.
Jerry usually tells lies
I like wearing rings.
The price of iPhone is very high in Turkey
Porsche cars are very expensive.
Can you give us more information about online shopping?
I decided to save money.
Don’t worry, Be happy!!!
You should keep your money in a safe place
Anything decideexpensivehard informationsafeusually 1. You can use the Internet to buy all kinds of things: clothes, computers, food, TVs, telephones- you can buy _________ online! anything
Anything decideexpensivehard informationsafeusually 2. For newcomers, it can be ________ to understand websites. It is not easy for them, so they need extra time to read them. hard
Anything decideexpensivehard informationsafeusually 3. Most of the time, newcomers don’t buy new products online. They don’t _________ do this. usually
Anything decideexpensivehard informationsafeusually 4. When you pay just a little for something that is usually _________, you get a bargain. expensive
Anything decideexpensivehard informationsafeusually 5. Many people go online to learn about products. They have questions, and they go online to get ___________. information
Anything decideexpensivehard informationsafeusually 6. ‘’ Do I want to buy this or not?’’ Some shoppers take a lot of time to __________. Single-minded shoppers don’t. decide
Anything decideexpensivehard informationsafeusually 7. Some people don’t want to give their credit card numbers online. They think it may not be _________. They think something bad may happen. safe
price wear worry 1. People ______ when their children are sick. 2. They both ______ glasses. 3. The salesperson is looking for the _____ on the box. worry wear price
expensive hard information safe wear 1. Don’t play in the street! It isn’t ______. 2. Ask your doctor for more __________. 3. Restaurants are _________, so we usually eat at home. 4.It’s ____ for me to remember what to buy, so I make a shopping list. 5.When it rains, I ______ a raincoat. safe information expensive hard wear
anything decide price worry 1. A: The _____ of gas is going up again B:It’s getting really expensive. price
anything decide price worry 2. A: Can I have some cereal for snack? B:You can have _______ you’d like anything
anything decide price worry 3. A: Drive safely! B:I’ll be fine. Don’t ______ about me. worry
anything decide price worry 4. A:Where would you like to go for lunch? B:I don’t know. I can’t _______. decide
often usually always sometimes never
What is the topic? The Internet Going shopping People who shop online
What is the topic? The Internet Going shopping People who shop online
What is the main idea? Today, you can buy anything online. There are different kinds of online shoppers. Computers and the Internet are a great help to shoppers.
What is the main idea? Today, you can buy anything online. There are different kinds of online shoppers. Computers and the Internet are a great help to shoppers.
Groups of peopleDefinitions 1 People who use the Internet for shopping 2 People who are new to online shopping 3 People who love to find good prices 4 People who shop online for fun 5 People who shop online when they have to Complete the chart Online shoppers newcomers Bargain hunters Nonstop shoppers Single-minded shoppers
Yes No It Doesn’t Say (IDS) ____1. Do most people in the United States shop online? ____2. Can someone buy a house online? ____3.Can newcomers understand websites easily? IDS Yes No
Yes No It Doesn’t Say(IDS) ____4. Are prices important to bargain hunters? ____5. Are older people usually bargain hunters? ____6. Are nonstop shoppers usually women? Yes IDS IDS
Yes No It Doesn’t Say(IDS) ____7. Do single-minded shoppers like to spend a lot of time shopping online? ____8. Do some shoppers worry about using their credit cards online? No Yes
Summarizing the Reading feel Internet kinds same shops An online shopper is a person who _______ online. Online shoppers are not all the ______. Different _____ of online shoppers use the ________ in different ways. Also, they do not all _______ the same way about shopping online. shops same kinds Internet feel
Discussing the Reading 1. What is an online shopper? 2. How many kinds of online shoppers does the reading list? Name them. Tell something about each kind. 3.Think about online shoppers and in-store shoppers. How are they the same? How are they different?
Discussing the Reading 4. Some people worry about shopping online. Why? 5. Do you shop online? What kind of online shopper are you?
Using New Words 1. I never ______________. 2. I worry about _____________. 3. I think __________ can do anything. 4. I ask _____ when I need information about __________________. 5. The price of ________ is _________.
the End