Visualizing See it to Be it.
Some people say I’ll believe it when I see it! Well, that is the failure’s statement because the winner’s statement is 180 degrees from that. I need to Believe it in order to See it!
The truth to the winner’s statement lies in the fact that the brain does not know what is true or untrue. The brain does not make that kind of judgment call. The brain will accept whatever it is told when the statement is mixed with emotion. An emotional Truth and an Emotional False have the same impact on the brain. The brain accepts both as equal realities.
I like to think of the human mind as a resonance device. It tries to keep harmony with the dominate thoughts we present to it. If we keep sending it Negative “I can’t do that” thoughts it will prove us right. If we keep sending it Positive “I can do that” thoughts it will prove us right. The cause of this resonance is what we present to our minds.
Me, my personality is formed from the thoughts I keep presenting to my mind. My Success or Failure is the result of what I am constantly feeding my mind. It does not matter if we present these thoughts in either audible or visual form they are both acted on as a mental Visualization!
Visualization is the one secret or key to Success! You will become what you see in your mind’s eye. Learn to Visualize and you will be well on your road to becoming the You, you want to be. You’ve got to See it to Be it!
Ok! I can understand that but how can I Visualize something that is not true or that I believe to be untrue? Well, there is one trick you can use. It is used by some of the greatest actors on this planet to portray roles that are different from real life. I mean how does an actor play the role of Superman when he knows full well he can not leap buildings in a single bound?
Here is the secret! It does not matter what you think of me! What does matter is what I think you think of me! If I think you think I am Superman. How am I going react to you? Yes! Like Superman!!!
The Magic Word was IF
Now that you know how to become Superman lets scale it down to become people who can achieve much more practical things like, Starting a new Business, Achieving a Goal we can Conceive and Believe, or just about any other incredible thing we know can be done by someone somewhere at sometime. Well, dear Super Person, that time and place is HERE and NOW!
If I were able to achieve this goal what would be my first step? Take that First Step! Hmm… If I am going to achieve this goal what is the next thing I need to do? Do It! Wow! I can see this goal as being achievable! So, Achieve it!
Our minds resonate and harmonize with the things we visualize! Visualize in your mind’s eye your achievement of whatever goal you have set. Do this for thirty minutes a day and you will be sending out subconscious signals that will attract the resources necessary to achieve your goal. Commit your focused visualization to writing and keep a log of your activities!
If you think you are beaten, you are, If you think you dare not, you don’t. If you like to win, but you think you can’t, It is almost certain you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost, For out in the world we find, Success begins with a fellow’s will- It’s all in the state of mind. If you think you are outclassed, you are, You’ve got to think high to rise, You’ve got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize. Life’s battles don’t always go To the Stronger or faster man, But soon or late the man who wins Is the man WHO THINKS HE CAN!
Nature has designed us to be in total control over what reaches our subconscious mind, through our five senses. We do not however always exercise this powerful control! Man can become the master of his environment and of himself because of this ability to influence and program his subconscious mind.
Visualize, visualize, visualize! See all you want to be before your eyes! Imagine all your tomorrows, today! This is the key secret of success! You have to believe it to see it! You have to see it to be it! You have to energize it to achieve it.
Syllabus of First Course Designing Your Own SuccessSuccess Overcoming the Causes of FailureFailure Making Your Dreams a RealityReality Self Motivation the Esteem BuilderEsteem Attracting a Mentor Success GroupMentor Visualizing Reality, See it to Be it.Visualizing Positive ListeningListening Imagineering for SolutionsImagineering Positive Banking for Wealth BuildingWealth Positive Relaxing Builds StaminaRelaxing Connecting with Fellow Positive PeopleFellow Sharing the Positive Experience with OthersSharing Memory the keysMemory