Outline Abstract Introduction Related Work Problem Statement Proposed Network Model Proposed Model Results Conclusion
Abstract Proposed a Multi-hop Centralized Energy Efficient Clustering (MCEEC) Execution of MCEEC clustering is performed by advanced central control algorithm Each node is capable of sensing two types of environmental dynamics Temperature Humidity
Continue… CH selection criteria Multi-hop inter-cluster communication for MCEEC. Network deployment for MCEEC operation MCEEC provides Long network lifetime Long stability period
Introduction (1/2) Modern progression in Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) Individual Sensor Capability WSN Architecture Applications Energy constrain Energy efficient routing techniques
Introduction (2/2) Types of WSNs Types of Energy efficient routing protocols Main objective of routing protocols Intra cluster communication and Inter cluster communication Multi-hoping advantages We proposed MCEEC
Related Work Types of clustering routing protocols Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Networks Single-hop inter-cluster communication and multi-hop inter- cluster communication. LEACH MLEACH SEP DEEC LEACH-C
Problem Statement Low network lifetime and stability of WSNs Limited battery capacity Un guaranteed CHs selection of distributed algorithms Lack of network deployment planning Large network area High network density Single-hop intra and inter-cluster communication
Proposed Network Model
Proposed Network Model Clustering Mechanism
Proposed Model of MCEEC MCEEC’s advanced centrally controlled algorithm Parameters for the selection of CHs Heterogeneity awareness of MCEEC Multi-hoping Inter-cluster Communications Clustering and Multi-hoping restrictions for MCEEC Network Settling Phase (NSP) and Network Transmission Phase (NTP)
Network Settling Phase (NSP) of MCEEC (1/2) CHs selection Types of nodes and regions of networks Total Energy network CHs selection restrictions Average energy of each type node
Network Settling Phase (NSP) of MCEEC (2/2) For normal nodes For Advance nodes For Super nodes Required number of CHs Distance to BS Comparison and CHs selection Association Phase.
Network Transmission Phase (NTP) Transmission of sensed data CHs aggregate received data CHs compress aggregated data Only transmit Meaning full information Single-hop intra cluster-communication Multi-hop inter cluster-communication
Radio Model Used in MCEEC Radio Model Energy consumption
Results Simulation Parameters
Alive Nodes for first scenario Stability period increased Due to the uniform random deployment of nodes Centralized cluster formation Multihoping in inter-cluster
Dead Nodes for first scenario Late start of instability period as compared to the other routing protocols Transmission responsibilities of nodes according to their remaining energies
Cluster-Heads Generation for first scenario Guaranteed number of CHs per round Centralized controlled selection of CHs LEACH, SEP, E-SEP and DEEC do not provide guaranteed number of CHs
Alive Nodes for second scenario Guaranteed number of CHs provide high throughput Throughput enhancement is due to multi-hop communication approach CHs transmit data in short range
Dead Nodes for second scenario Number of dead node slowly increase as compared to LEACH, DEEC, SEP and ESEP
Cluster-Heads Generation for second scenario Fluctuations in CHs selection per round increased
Packets send to BS for second scenario Better throughput of MCEEC as compared to selected routing protocols
Conclusion We propose MCEEC routing protocol for three level heterogeneous WSNs MCEEC bases on the concept of heterogeneous-aware clustering like SEP, E-SEP and DEEC. Major improvement is centralized clustering algorithm MCEEC provides scalability MCEEC outperform LEACH SEP E-SEP DEEC