Sabbath Rest In the early chapters of Genesis, God looked upon His creation and “blessed” -the Creatures, Gen.1:22 -Man, 1:28. Then, He blessed the seventh day, Gen.2:2-3.
What did you do yesterday? Anything that could be called “rest”? The Meaning of Sabbath The word Sabbath simply means “to cease”. God did not “rest” because He was tired from the work of Creation- He does not tire as man does, Psalm 121:4. He ceased from His labor of creation and reflected upon it. But, He did bless and sanctify the “Seventh Day”. Question: What did you do yesterday? Anything that could be called “rest”? Probably not. Our seventh days are typically filled with all sorts of activities- whether best described as “work” or “play”!
The History of Sabbath We’ve already seen the beginning of Sabbath in Gen.2:2-3. But where do we find the next mention of the Sabbath in law or practice? Adam & Eve? Noah and his family? Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or the Patriarchs? In fact, the next reference to the Sabbath found in scripture is in Ex.20:8-11! There is no evidence whatsoever that “the Sabbath” was commanded of, or observed by man for the first 2500 years of his history! Genesis 2:2-3 was recorded by Moses, not Adam.
The Application of Sabbath Sabbath Law is pretty well explained in Exodus 31:12-17 where the origin, purpose, application, and punishment for failure is given. But also note something else: Sabbath Law was given as a sign to “the sons of Israel” (specified 3 times in these verses). see also Deut.5:2-4,15 In fact, there is no evidence in scripture that Sabbath Law was ever given to, or expected of, any Gentiles. Psalm 147:19-20 makes it clear that Mosaic Law was given only to Israel. Therefore, Sabbath Law was always only for Israelites from Sinai onward, cf.Neh.9:13-14.
The Limitation of Sabbath We’ve already noted that Sabbath Law was only for the Israelites, and not for Gentiles. But also understand that even for the Israelites, Sabbath Law was binding only from Mt. Sinai to the Cross of Jesus. All Mosaic Law was fulfilled and removed by the Cross: >Heb.8:7-9 it was replaced with a better one >Heb.10:9-10 the offering of Christ removed it >Eph.2:13-17 & Col.2:13-15 it was nailed to the cross “Yes,” Jesus observed the Sabbath, cf. Luke 4:16. But Jesus obviously “lived” before the cross!
What about the “Christian Sabbath”? Occasionally, we hear references made Sunday as the “Christian Sabbath”. The Bible never calls the “Lord’s Day” (cf. Rev.1:10) a “Sabbath”- Christian or otherwise. In fact, the Bible warns against the respect of such days, Col.2:16-17. True enough, there were Christians in the first century who attempted to merge O.T. Jewish law-keeping with N.T. Christianity, but they were rebuked for such, Col.2:23; Gal.5:1-4! Thus, today we would do well to remember that the N.T. Law of Christ is “substance”, Col.2:17.
So, why all this talk of “Sabbath”? Note Hebrews 4:1-11. From this several points deserve attention: >Many/most of Israel did not enter their rest of Canaan because of unbelief, cf. 3:16-19. >The passage warns Christian to learn from that example and enter the rest God prepared for us, 4:6-11. >The keys to entering our eternal rest are- belief/faith, 4:1-3 diligence in obedience, 4:11. >Blessed “rest” awaits us, 4:9-10.
But in the mean time, There is work to be done! This life is not the time for spiritual rest- it is the time for spiritual labor! Rest comes at the end of life, not before. To borrow from Paul, If we live on in the flesh, it should mean fruitful labor! cf. Phil.1:21-22,27. If we do this, there will be an eternity to rest! So, let’s get busy!