Magic Realism Science Fiction Fantasy 2 nd Quarter ORB
This quarter, we will be reading and watching stories that are FANTASTICAL, MAGICAL, and UNBELIEVABLE. These stories, together, are known as SPECULATIVE FICTION. You’ll be reading ORB in genres that feature these characteristics: Magic Realism Science Fiction Fantasy
MAGIC REALISM This term refers to a story where MOST of the elements are “normal” or realistic… but magic elements are present as well – and are treated as if they were also “normal.”
EXAMPLES of Magic Realism
SCIENCE FICTION This refers to stories that are written “as if” they are realistic… …but they deal with imaginary ideas about the future; about outer space; about time travel; about extraterrestrial life; and about scientific innovation.
EXAMPLES of Science Fiction
FANTASY These stories are set imaginary worlds where magic and magical creatures are common.
EXAMPLES of Fantasy