The process of a nation, or society, follows to produce goods, and services Four types (traditional, command, market, mixed)
Customs decide the what, how, and for whom to produce Village life Family tradition
Government answers what, how, and for whom to produce Also called Planned Economies
Individuals answer what, how and for whom Government no say
Free exchang e of goods & services
Adam Smith ( ) Explains how market regulates economic activity
Government not involved Purely, people want to fulfill their needs and wants
Invisible hand Unaware of selfish actions helping society
Combines elements of traditional, market and command economic models
Three main categories of Mixed Economies 1.Authoritarian socialism 2.Capitalism 3.Democratic socialism
Closest to pure Command model Communism
Government owns or controls nearly all of factors of production
Closest to the Market Model Individuals own the factors of production Individuals decide the what, how, and for whom
Government ownership is limited to key areas Telephone electrical
People influence economic planning through election of government officials