The Presentation Team Camille Catlett FPG Child Development Institute (NC) Laurie DinnebeilUniversity of Toledo (OH) Melanie NollschKirkwood Community College (IA) Enhancing Preservice Personnel Preparation Programs Tools for Incorporating Evidence-Based Practices
Requirements of 325N Grants Incorporate emphasis on content areas identified by OSEP evidence-based practices children of diverse abilities and inclusion Revise course syllabi Practicum with children of diverse abilities
Emphasis on Evidence-Based/Competency-Based Practices Special Education Content Collaboration with Specialized Personnel Social-Emotional/Behavioral Interventions/Classroom Management Early Development/Academic Achievement Use of Technology Observing and Collecting Data Communicating Effectively with Children and Families Transitions Serving Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children and Families Alignment with Division for Early Childhood Recommended Practices National Association for the Education of Young Children Standards OSEP Requirements
Crosswalks Model Clarifying values and vision: Graduate of the Future Collaborating with Community Partners Enhancing Syllabi Knowledge acquisition + knowledge application Using synonyms Incorporating new content, activities and assignments Enacting Program-Wide Enhancements Syllabus maps Partnering to Enhance Field Experiences Creating effective sequences that align with coursework Working with cooperating teachers Tools for Enhancing Quality and Aligning with Evidence-Based Practices
Crosswalks Model
Identify knowledge, skills, and dispositions you want future graduates to have Clarify Values and Vision
Stark State Graduate of the Future
Sample Graduate of the Future
Collaborating with Partners Different advisory structures for different purposes Engaging community partners in the planning, change, and professional development efforts
Knowledge Acquisition + Application
What is PD? “Professional development is facilitated teaching and learning experiences that are transactional and designed to support the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions as well as the application of this knowledge in practice…..
Key Components of PD include characteristics and contexts of the learners (i.e., the “who” ); a)content (i.e., the “what” of professional development); and b)organization and facilitation of learning experiences (i.e., the “how”).”
Deconstructing/Reconstructing Courses Overview of Course Course Description Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assignments Required Materials/Texts Course schedule/outline
Syllabus Enhancement Checklist
Enhancing Syllabi
Explicit Emphasis on OSEP Priorities
Areas of Emphasis in Redesigned Syllabi and Programs
Partnering to Enhance Field Experiences Practicum inventory Work with cooperating teachers
Heartland Equity & Inclusion Project
Curriculum maps on ● assistive technology ● cultural diversity ● linguistic diversity ● ability diversity ● CARA’s Kit Kirkwood CC Curriculum Map
Kirkwood Community College Activity Maps
SCRIPT-NC Supporting Change and Reform in Preservice Teaching in North Carolina SCRIPT-NC Landing Pad
SCRIPT-NC Supporting Change and Reform in Preservice Teaching in North Carolina Child Development Landing Pad
Summarize your values and beliefs about early childhood education and young children by providing responses to each of the following prompts. Sample prompts Describe your beliefs about supporting children of diverse cultures and languages in early childhood settings. Describe your beliefs about supporting children of diverse abilities in early childhood settings. Describe your beliefs about the role of families in supporting the development and learning of young children. Describe your beliefs about the importance of evidence-based practices in supporting the development and learning of young children. What do you see as your greatest assets as an early childhood professional? What do you see as your greatest challenges? Philosophy Assignment
Reflection on Philosophy Assignment Toward the end of the course, ask students to update and annotate their initial document, using track changes and inserted comments. Assignment
Evaluation: Areas of Inquiry Current knowledge Current level of emphasis in courses you teach Current level of knowledge of where to access resources Current level of comfort with teaching this content
Final Considerations What have be learned? What would you like to know?