Stellar Clusters Homework Problems Chapter 13 Review Questions: 1-3, 9-11 Review Problems: 1, 2, 7 Web Inquiries: 1, 4
H-R Diagram An H-R diagram reveals three significant features. L/Lsun The Main Sequence core hydrogen fusion Red Giants hydrogen shell source (core helium fusion) White Dwarfs carbon-oxygen core leftovers This is a snapshot in the life of many, unrelated stars. L/Lsun O B A F G K M
H-R Diagram Other areas of the H-R diagram are sparsely populated either because stars just don’t exist with those specific combinations of luminosity and temperature, or because the stars evolve so quickly and spend so little time in that area that the probability of seeing stars located there is very low. (Example: “Hertzsprung Gap”) L/Lsun O B A F G K M
Clusters Formation Stars from the same formation epoch (same “birthday”) Same Age Similar Chemical Composition Same Distance from the Earth
Stellar Clusters OPEN Cluster GLOBULAR Cluster Bright Hot, Young stars Thousands of stars Loose Associations GLOBULAR Cluster Fainter Cooler, Older stars Hundreds of Thousands of stars Tightly Bound Systems
Double Cluster OPEN Cluster Very few evolved stars.
Globular Cluster Many evolved stars.
Cluster HR Diagrams H-R diagrams revealing a variety of ages among clusters. Who is the youngest? Who is the oldest?
Young Cluster
Young Cluster HR Diagram
Cluster Evolution
Combined Cluster H-R diagrams
M44 Cluster
M41 Cluster
M2001 Cluster
Globular Cluster M5
Main Sequence Turnoff Since stellar evolution is highly dependent upon the mass of a star, the turn-off point of a clusters main-sequence is a measure of the clusters age.
Horizontal Giant Branch
Pulsating Variable Stars
Instability Strip
The Pulsating Stars
Cepheid Pulsation Sequence
Pulsating Variables Light curves for two different Cepheid variables showing the periodic changes in brightness.
Cepheid Pulsation The interplay of Radius and Temperature. L = 4pR2sT4
Period - Luminosity Relation
Cepheid Period - Luminosity Observe apparent magnitude (m) Observe Period of pulsation (P) Utilize P-L relation to infer absolute magnitude (M) Use distance modulus to obtain distance: m-M = 5 log D - 5
SMC and LMC The Milky Ways two irregular satellite galaxies.
Distance Determinations
Distance Indicators