The Astronomical Zoo Stars Planets Novae 1577Comets 1610Moons 1638Variable stars 1655Rings 1754Open clusters 1798Interplanetary matter 1801Asteroids 1803Multiple stars 1831Globular clusters 1864Clusters of galaxies 1864Planetary nebulae 1865Ionised gas clouds 1901Cold interstellar gas 1909Giants/MS stars 1912Cosmic rays 1914Pulsating variables 1915White dwarfs 1919Interstellar dust 1924Galaxies 1929Cosmic expansion 1934Supernovae/novae 1939Galaxies with/without gas 1942Supernova remnants 1945T Tauri stars 1946Radio galaxies 1946Magnetic variables 1947Flare stars 1957Interstellar magnetic fields 1962X-ray stars 1962X-ray background 1962Quasars 1965Microwave background 1965Masers 1965Infrared stars 1966X-ray galaxies 1967Pulsars 1968Gamma-ray background 1968Infrared galaxies 1971Superluminal sources 1973Gamma-ray bursts
Classification: transient/variable
Classification: nebulae Messier’s drawings of M42, the Orion nebula, and M31, the Andromeda galaxy
Classification: nebulae Drawings of nebulae by William Herschel
Classification: nebulae Modern drawings of M27 and M33 by Jaako Saloranta
Classification: nebulae
Classification: stars Vega Sun Peg 19 Psc
Classification: stars Father Secchi’s sketches of the spectra of Mira (top) and HD (type M6 III) compared to a photograph of Mira’s spectrum
Classification: stars Secchi’s sketch of a Type IV spectrum (star HD110914, type C7 Iab) compared to a modern carbon star spectrum
Classification: stars Harvard College Observatory spectro- scopy for the Henry Draper catalogue
Classification: stars ABFGKMMOABFGKMMO Michael Richmond, Modern spectra in original ordering
Classification: stars Luminosity classes I – V plus a white dwarf, from Michael Richmond’s page. Source: An Atlas of Representative Spectra, by Yamashita, Nariai and Norimoto (University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1978)