1 Oklahoma State University Corn &Wheat Situation and Outlook Corn &Wheat Situation and Outlook Kim B. Anderson
2 Kim’s Web site agecon.okstate.edu/anderson “Other articles” agecon.okstate.edu/anderson “Other articles”
3 Policy comes and policy goes but weather determines prices. Luther Tweeten Policy comes and policy goes but weather determines prices. Luther Tweeten
4 Corn production area
5 Soybean production area
6 Cotton production area
7 HRW wheat production area
8 SRW wheat production area
9 Corn
10 CornusedforEthanol billion bushels) Corn used for Ethanol (billion bushels) ’07/ bb ’08/ bb ’09/ bb ’06/ bb
11 U.S. Corn Situation (Billion Bushels)(Million Bushels) Planted Acres Harvested Acres Yield Production Year (91.0) (90.9) (87.8) (90.2) (91.0) (91.8) (90.3) (92.0) YR Avg Percentage harvested in parenthesizes
12 U.S. Corn Situation ProductionConsumption Ending Stocks U. S. Price Year (Billion Bushels) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ YR Avg $2.20
13 World Corn Situation ProductionConsumption Ending Stocks Year (Billion Bushels) YR Avg
Corn Production 2007 use + ethanol increase – 1 bb ending stocks = required production ÷ yield = acres harvested ÷ % harvested = required planted acres 12.6 bb bb – 1 bb = 12.3 bb ÷ 153 bu/ac = 80 ma ÷.91 = 88 million acres
15 CBT Corn Monthly Nearest Before ethanol Weather Ethanol
16 U.S. Corn Situation (Billion Bushels) 06/07 Month 07/08 Ending Stocks (Cents per Bushel) (± 30) USDA Cash Est. Price Range Open/Close CBT Nearby May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov
17 Key points 2007 corn production 13.2 billion bushels (bb). 2007 corn use 12.6 bb. 2007 ethanol corn use 3.2 bb. 2008 projected ethanol corn use 3.9 bb. corn end stocks ~ 1.9 bb $3.50 avg. annual price. corn end stocks < 1.0 bb $3.50 avg. annual price. 2008 planted acres 88 mil., production of 12.3 bb, ending stocks 1.0 bb & $3.70 avg. annual price.
18 Wheat
19 U.S. Wheat Situation (Billion Bushels)(Million Bushels) Planted Acres Harvested Acres Yield Production Year (85.0) (81.6) (76.0) (85.5) (83.8) (87.6) (81.7) (84.4) YR Avg (83.2) Percentage harvested in parenthesizes
20 ProductionConsumption Ending Stocks U. S. Price Year (Billion Bushels) U.S. Wheat Situation $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ YR Avg $3.35
21 World Wheat Situation (Billion Bushels) ProductionConsumption Ending Stocks Year YR Avg
22 KCBT Monthly Nearest Before ethanol Weather Ethanol
23 KCBT March ‘08
24 KCBT July “08
25 U.S. Wheat Situation (Billion Bushels) 06/07 USDA Cash Est. Month 07/08 Ending Stocks (Cents per Bushel) (± 30) Price Range Open/Close KCBT Nearby May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov
26 U.S. Wheat Supply and Use Beginning stocks Production Supply, Total Exports Use, Total Ending Stocks Avg. farm price 307 2,350 2,657 1,050 2, $5.20 million bushels Kim’s 08/ ,067 2,608 1,150 2, $6.10 USDA 07/08
27 KCBT July wheat contract price $6.92 Elevator forward contract basis -$0.53 Forward contract offer $6.39 Buy KCBT July 690 call -$0.70 FC/Call minimum price $5.69 Buy KCBT July 690 Put (690¢ - 70¢) $6.20 Expected June 2008 basis -$0.45 Expected minimum price $5.75 June 2008 wheat delivery prices
28 Key Points Weather is the major price factor. Corn continues to set the floor for wheat prices. U.S. and world wheat stocks below average. Wheat planted acres increase ~5% (63 ma). Wheat stocks increase in 2008/09 – below avg. 2008/09 wheat price range $3.75 to $8.50. June 2008 wheat price ~ $5.80 $4.50 to $8.50.
29 Kim’s Web site agecon.okstate.edu/anderson
31 Kim’s rules for marketing Keep it simple Make a plan Write the plan down Have the discipline to follow the plan Do not—ever, ever—listen to market outlook economists.
32 Sorghum
33 U.S. Sorghum Situation (Million Bushels) ProductionConsumption Ending Stocks U. S. Price Year $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ YR Avg $2.20
34 (Million Bushels) Foreign Sorghum Situation ProductionConsumption Ending Stocks Year YR Avg
35 (Million Bushels) World Sorghum Situation ProductionConsumption Ending Stocks Year YR Avg
36 Key Point Sorghum prices follow corn prices
37 Cotton
38 U.S. Cotton Situation ProductionConsumption Ending Stocks U. S. Price Year (Million Bales) ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 7-YR Avg ¢
39 World Cotton Situation ProductionConsumption Ending Stocks Year (Million Bales) YR Avg
40 Cotton Relevant Numbers Current Projections Average Million Bales U.S. Ending Stocks World Ending Stocks
41 U.S. and world cotton stocks above average. Cotton acreage planted to beans and corn. Prices expected to average 55 cents. Key points
43 Soybean
44 U.S. Soybeans Situation (Billion Bushels)(Million Bushels) Planted Acres Harvested Acres Yield Production Year (97.4) (98.5) (98.1) (98.8) (98.4) (98.9) (98.8) (98.6) YR Avg (98.4) Percentage harvested in parenthesizes
45 U.S. Soybean Situation (Billion Bushels) ProductionConsumption Ending Stocks U. S. Price Year $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ YR Avg $5.64
46 ProductionConsumption Ending Stocks Year Foreign Soybean Situation (Billion Bushels) YR Avg
47 ProductionConsumption Ending Stocks Year World Soybean Situation (Billion Bushels) YR Avg
48 CBT Soybeans Monthly Nearest Before ethanol & bio-diesel Weather Ethanol & bio-diesel
49 U.S. Soybean Situation (Million Bushels) 06/07 USDA Cash Est. Month 07/08 Ending Stocks (Cents per Bushel) (± 50) Price Range Open/Close CBT Nearby May June July Aug Sept Oct
50 Soybean Relevant Numbers Current Projections Average Billion Bushels U.S. Ending Stocks World Ending Stocks
51 Key points U.S. soybean stocks below average. World soybean stocks above average. Expect Brazil to increase production. Increased 2008 planted acres (70 ma) Prices remain above average.
52 Key points Ending stocks ~225 mb $9 - $10 Ending stocks ~600 mb $7