Incoming EDI Acquisitions User Group 27 March 2009
2 Copyright Statement All of the information and material inclusive of text, images, logos, product names is either the property of, or used with permission by Ex Libris Ltd. The information may not be distributed, modified, displayed, reproduced – in whole or in part – without the prior written permission of Ex Libris Ltd. TRADEMARKS Ex Libris, the Ex Libris logo, Aleph, SFX, SFXIT, MetaLib, DigiTool, Verde, Primo, Voyager, MetaSearch, MetaIndex and other Ex Libris products and services referenced herein are trademarks of Ex Libris, and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All other product names, company names, marks and logos referenced may be trademarks of their respective owners. DISCLAIMER The information contained in this document is compiled from various sources and provided on an "AS IS" basis for general information purposes only without any representations, conditions or warranties whether express or implied, including any implied warranties of satisfactory quality, completeness, accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. Ex Libris, its subsidiaries and related corporations ("Ex Libris Group") disclaim any and all liability for all use of this information, including losses, damages, claims or expenses any person may incur as a result of the use of this information, even if advised of the possibility of such loss or damage. © Ex Libris Ltd., 2009
3 Session Agenda EDI in ALEPH EDI setup Loading EDI Incoming messages Edi-09 Edi-10 EDI load log Action Log Messages Incoming message examples
4 EDI in ALEPH EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange, a standard for electronic exchange between computer systems, e.g. invoices and purchase orders. EDI is a component of the Acquisitions/Serials module in ALEPH. ALEPH works with the EDIFACT (D96.A) EANCOM standard, which is managed by EDItEUR.
5 Invoices for serials and monograph orders - EDI message type: INVOIC Orders/Claims response for monographs and serials - EDI message type: ORDRSP Serials issues automatic check-in message – EDI message type: DESADV EDI in ALEPH: Incoming Messages
6 The vendor EDI definitions are recorded in the vendor record in the GUI Acq/Serials module. EDI orders and message counters are defined in util G/2 on the server. To enable processing of incoming EDI files, the EDI file/s are located in xxx50/edi/in/edi_incoming on the Aleph server. Special features for incoming EDI Messages are defined in the edi_in_attr table. EDI Setup [general and incoming]
7 Various order notes: can be included in the EDI Order message according to switches set in TAB100 for outgoing. Special features of outgoing EDI messages, needed for specific vendors, are defined in the edi_out_attr table. The library, as an EDI customer, is defined in tab35 of the ADM library. The EDI Vendor FTP details are stored in the vendor address record in the GUI Acq/Serials module. EDI Setup [outgoing]
8 Vendor EDI code and EDI type [NB Vendor EDI code is not the same as the Customer EDI code in tab35 for outgoing.] Setting the EDI Vendor
— WID INGRAM B IL USM50 INGRAM B IL Col.1 - Sublibrary/order unit/ADM Library Col.2 - Vendor Code Col.3,4 - Customer EDI Code and Type Col.5,6 - Not in Use Col.7 - VAT Number Col.8 - Address for Error Messages **Needed for outgoing Library as EDI Customer – tab35**
10 Setting the EDI Vendor Outgoing
11 Address fields: line 1: IP address or its alias line 2: User name line 3: Password line 4: Directory name in the ftp server Setting the EDI Vendor Address [out]
12 The currency code list should match the ISO 4217 standard. Currency List
13 edi_in_attr switches [col 2] 1 EDI-IN-FTX-ONLY N (default) = In serial INVOIC messages FTX, IMD and DTM tags will be loaded into invoice line note field [Z75- I-NOTE] depending on the available room. Y = Only FTX will be loaded into invoice line note field [Z75-I-NOTE]. 2 EDI-IN-ADDED-AMOUNT-SEP N (default) = In INVOIC messages (serial as well as monograph) the added amount will be divided between the lines. Y = The added amount will be stored separately in an extra line.
14 edi_in_attr [col 3] Character conversion can also be identified in col.3 Example SWETS UTF_TO_8859_8
15 There must be counters for the last-edi-order, last-edi message, last-edi-log-no, last-edi-order-change in UTIL G/2 counters of the ADM library. Setting the EDI Counters - UTIL G/2
16 EDI incoming Directories Ensure the following directories exist on your Server under the edi/in directory >>/exlibris/aleph/u18_1/xxx50/edi/in >>ls edi_incoming/ edi_processed/ edi_rejected/ xml_incoming/ xml_processed /
17 Loading Incoming EDI Messages
18 Step 1: Ensure new EDI files supplied by the vendor are in the directory./xxx50/edi/in/edi_incoming. Step 2: Activate the EDI batch service: Process EDI Incoming Messages (p-edi-09). Step 3: Run the subsequent batch service: Load EDI Incoming Messages (p-edi-10). Loading EDI Incoming Messages
19 Example: EDI Incoming Message Invoice
20 Example: Vendor With Vendor EDI Code/Type
21 Example: Order Serial order showing order number
22 Example: Subscription Showing vendor order number
23 Step 1: Incoming files location Incoming files must be sent or moved to the Xxx50/edi/in/edi_incoming directory. Example >>pwd >>/exlibris/aleph/a18_1/usm50/edi/in/edi_incoming >>ls mytestinv2.edi
24 Step 2: Run edi-09
25 edi-09: What does it do? This service retrieves the file from the edi_incoming directory and converts the EDI structure format into ALEPH XML files. If the conversion into XML is successful, a file with an.xml extension is created in the./xxx50/edi/in/xml_incoming directory.
26 Edi-09: Processed file Snippet of xml file below
27 Edi-09: Processed file
28 Edi-09: Processed directory The original EDI files are moved to the./xxx50/edi/in/edi_processed directory, along with a log file ( log) that indicates any problems that have occurred during the processing.
29 /edi/in/edi_processed/…..log file This log shows the file was successfully processed for this example.
30 /edi/in/edi_processed/…..log file This log reports an error from a previous example Load: /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/alephe/tab/tab100 Load: /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/usm50/tab/tab100 EDI vendor code doesn't exist in the database.
31 Step 3: Run edi-10
32 edi-10: What does it do? This service processes the XML files that have been created by the Process EDI Incoming Messages (edi-09) service. It looks for files in the xxx50/edi/in/xml_incoming directory and tries to load them into ALEPH. If the load of the XML into ALEPH is successful, the XML file is moved to the xxx50/edi/in/xml_processed directory and the data (invoice/claims response/serial checkin) is loaded into ALEPH. It also produces a log file in the xml_processed directory but also there is a log in the GUI client for the staff user.
33 The EDI Load Log The load of each EDI file is recorded in the EDI Error List which can be accessed via the ACQ administration navigation tree: EDI Load Log. The EDI Load Log records each EDI file that is loaded into ALEPH and shows all errors accrued during the submission of the load (edi-10). Every run of edi-10 is assigned a number that comes from the last-edi-log-no sequence [Util g/2]
34 Util g/2 last-edi-log-no
35 The EDI Load Log window is available from the Administrative tab. It records each incoming EDI file, loaded into ALEPH, and shows all transactions that occurred during the load. Each transaction can be one of the following types: I – Information that the transaction was carried out successfully. W – Warning that a mismatch was found, but that the transaction was carried out successfully. E –Error; the transaction was not carried out successfully. EDI Load Log
36 EDI Load Log Where to locate the EDI Load Log in the GUI client
37 The EDI Load Log Report A successful load log report
38 EDI Load Log An example of log reporting warnings and errors
39 What is created in Aleph? Loading an Invoice message [INVOIC] General invoices (Z77) and line items (Z75) are created for orders (Z68) matched to data in the EDI files. The budget transactions (Z601) of the related orders are updated. These records can be displayed and updated via the GUI. Loading EDI Incoming Messages
40 EDI Load Log Order/Invoice button
41 Serial invoice loaded in Aleph General invoice [z77]
42 Serial Invoice in Aleph Line item [z75]
43 Serial Invoice Matched to order [z68]
44 Serial Invoice Budget Transaction [z601]
45 Map to Aleph: INVOIC-S
46 Map to Aleph: INVOIC - M
47 Loading EDI incoming messages What is created in Aleph? Loading an Edi response [ORDRSP] Each EDI response received from a vendor creates an order log (z71 type 94). It is displayed in each Order Log record and in the Action Log Messages window. The Action Log Messages are available from the Administrative tab.
48 EDI Load Log Edi Response
49 Edi Response Order log entry [z71] generated Type 94
50 EDI response Action Log Message
51 Map to Aleph: ORDRSP Monograph
52 Map to Aleph: ORDRSP Serial
53 Matching keys for incoming messages Aleph order number [z68-order-number] is the first key for match while loading message types: INVOICE ORDRSP This data must be contained in the EDI segment RFF+LI. Vendor Reference Number [z68-vendor reference-no or z16-vendor-order-number] are the second possible keys for match.
54 Loading EDI incoming messages: DESADV Loading message type DESADV will automatically register arrival of Serials issues included in the file. The arrived item record (Z30) is updated with the arrival date, and the item’s process status is updated. Matching with issues in the database is done by the SICA included in tag PIA+5 Vendor Order Number must also be present [z16] on subscription record. This data must be contained in the EDI segment RFF+SNA
55 DESADV: Example UNA:+.? ' UNB+UNOA: :31B+ALEPH: : ' UNH+026+DESADV:D:96A:UN:EAN005' BGM+351:026:9' DTM+137: :102' DTM+11: :102' NAD+SR ::31B ' NAD+BY ::31B+Ex Libris university' CPS+1' LIN+1' PIA (2007)111?:3;1-6:SI::28' IMD+L+050+:::Security Administrator' QTY+12:1' RFF+SNL:2202' RFF+SNA:FB ' CNT+2:6' UNT ' UNZ+1+1'
56 EDI Load Log Success
57 Serial Item checked in Arrival date added
58 Serial Item: DESADV Arrival date added and item process status removed.
59 Item process Status update Item History log showing EDI as Cataloguer
60 EDI Load Log with Error If RFF+SNA missing or incorrect [Vendor Order # in the subscription record]
61 Example: Same title – different subscription UNA:+.? ' UNB+UNOA: :31B+ALEPH: : ' UNH+026+DESADV:D:96A:UN:EAN005' BGM+351:026:9' DTM+137: :102' DTM+11: :102' NAD+SR ::31B ' NAD+BY ::31B+Ex Libris university' CPS+1' LIN+1' PIA (2008)112?:4;1-6:SI::28' IMD+L+050+:::Security Administrator' QTY+12:1' RFF+SNL: RFF+SNA: CNT+2:6' UNT ' UNZ+1+1'
62 Example: Vendor Order # on Subscription
63 EDI Load Log Success
64 Serial Item -DESADV Subscription #2 checked in
65 Relevant Documentation Aleph Staff Users Guide/Acquisitions/EDI Mapping of EDItEUR messages sent by ALEPH KB Item [or ‘How to’ from Doc Portal]
Thank You!