Career Planning / Job Seeking
Reasons for working Financial / money Career Experience Promotion Meet people Reach your full potential
Goal Setting S M A R T Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely
Goal Setting GOAL: “I want to be a film star” “By June of next year, I will audition for a part in a minimum of six shows. My goal is to be a successful in at least one audition. To improve my skills I will successfully complete my drama course by December. My goal is to receive a Distinction”
Networks PERSONAL What are your networks: Parents, teachers, friends, former employers, sports club or community group members Keep them up to date on the job you are looking Keep them up to date on your progress
Networks OTHER Employment Agencies: Centrelink, Workbase Newspapers and Websites Radio, Television announcements Community noticeboards Recruitment drives Government agencies
JOB SEEKING So you have found your job…. But you still have to get it…. Resume Application letter Interview Post Interview Job offer and acceptance Feedback