Health Screening
Questionnaire It is important that individuals are screened with a health appraisal questionnaire prior to participating in a fitness test. This ensures that the instructor: Acts in a legally responsible way. Identifies clients who need medical clearance prior to exercise. Identifies any bone, joint or injury problem which may mean that certain tests should be avoided.
PARQ The ParQ is the simplest method for evaluating a client’s health status. When an individual has been identified by the PARQ as having a medical condition or heart disease risk factor that could be aggravated by physical activity, that person must be referred to their doctor for approval and/or advice prior to participation in a fitness assessment. If an individual has a bone or joint problem the fitness instructor should select suitable tests which will not aggravate the particular bone/joint. Emergency information should be readily available in case the family needs to be contacted.
Customised screening forms should ask about the following: Personal information – name, address, telephone number, date of birth, emergency contact name and telephone number. Medical information - History of heart disease including chest pain and angina (R) Hypertension(R) History of lung disorders or shortness of breath on exertion(R) History of stroke(R) History of diabetes(R) Surgery in last 12 months (R/M) Muscle or joint pains or injury (M) Medications being taken regularly (R if for heart, blood pressure or diabetes) Pregnancy of having recently given birth (last 6 months) (M) Any chronic illness or condition such as epilepsy, arthritis, osteoporosis (M) Kidney or liver disease (R) Faintness or dizziness (R) Swollen joints (R) Any other physical reason not mentioned here why you should not follow an exercise programme (M/R) R: The individual should be referred to their doctor before participating in an exercise programme or fitness assessment. M: The fitness assessment or fitness programme will need to take the medical condition of the individual into consideration and be modified.
Informed consent Informed consent is a procedure used to obtain an individual’s voluntary permission to participate in a fitness test. Before an individual participates in a fitness assessment the instructor needs to inform and explain the following: The purpose of the fitness assessment. The possible risks and benefits of the fitness assessment. Allow the client to ask any questions about the fitness assessment. Advise the participant that participation is voluntary and they are free to withdraw at any time.