Charlie Baker, Governor Karyn Polito, Lieutenant Governor Ronald L. Walker, II Secretary Alice Sweeney, Director Department of Career Services 2015 Revision.


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Presentation transcript:

Charlie Baker, Governor Karyn Polito, Lieutenant Governor Ronald L. Walker, II Secretary Alice Sweeney, Director Department of Career Services 2015 Revision

2 The TAA program has and will continue to help workers who have lost their jobs as a result of foreign trade to quickly rejoin the workforce by providing them with the means to attain competitive and marketable skills for today’s increasingly competitive work environment.

3 The TAA program helps workers who have lost their jobs as a result of foreign trade. The program offers a variety of benefits and services to eligible workers, including:  job training  income support (TRA)  job search and relocation allowances  a tax credit to help with the costs of health insurance (HCTC) – awaiting operational instructions from IRS  a wage supplement to certain reemployed trade-affected workers that are at least 50 years of age or older (RTAA)

4 The TAA program was first established by the Trade Act of 1974, and has been amended several times.  It was amended in 2002 through the Trade Adjustment Assistance Reform Act of  In 2009 it was amended through the Trade and Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act of  On October 21, 2011, it was amended again. President Obama signed the Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension Act of 2011 (TAAEA).  On June 29, 2015, the Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2015 was signed into law (TAARA 2015)

5 Department of Career Services (DCS) Administers TAA benefits One-Stop Career Centers (OSCC) Provide employment and case management services Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Administers TRA benefits

Act applies to… Workers who are covered by petitions filed before May 18, Petition numbers are 69,999 and lower AND Workers who are covered by petitions filed on or after February 15, Petition numbers 80,000 through 80, Act applies to… Workers who are covered by petitions filed on or after May 18, Petition numbers are 70,000 through 79, Act applies to… Workers who are covered by petitions filed on or after October 21, Petition numbers 81,000 through 84,999 AND 80,000 through 80,999 (election group)

7 TAARA 2015 applies to… Workers who are covered by petitions filed on or after January 1, Petition numbers are 85,000 and higher

8 Once a company files a petition, DOL investigates and looks to issue a determination within 40 days. If the petition is certified, DOL issues the following important dates:  Impact Date – A year prior to the petition filing date  Expiration Date – Two years after the certification date A worker’s separation must fall between these two dates in order to apply for Trade benefits.

9 After the petition is certified, the Trade Unit at DCS provides the following notices:  Interested Parties Notice – Notification of the certification is sent to vocational schools, community colleges, and career centers.  Legal Notice – A legal notice is placed in a large newspaper in the area where the company is located or where the majority of workers reside.  Individual Notices – An information packet is sent to each affected worker (both currently employed & laid off) of the certified company.

10 To ensure that DCS notifies all of the affected workers, the Trade Unit will: 1.Contact the company directly or contact Rapid Response to obtain lists of affected employees from the company, and 2.Request a list of UI claimants from DUA who filed a claim against the company back to impact date.

11 Sec. 235 – Employment and Case Management Services State agencies must provide these services to trade-affected workers:  Comprehensive and specialized assessment of skill levels and service needs  Development of an individual employment plan  Information on training and financial aid  Prevocational services (eg, communication skills, interviewing skills, personal maintenance skills, etc)  Individual career counseling, including job search and placement counseling  Employment statistics information  Information relating to supportive services (child care, transportation, housing assistance, etc)

12 Co-enrollment allows trade-affected workers to receive supportive services that may assist in a quicker transition to work: Career Centers should fully integrate TAA participants and resources into the One-Stop Career Center system, thereby maximizing and enhancing exiting employment and case management structures.  Wagner-Peyser  WIOA (Dislocated Workers)  Other (Adult, Veteran, MA Rehab, ETC.)

13  All Trade participants are enrolled in labor exchange ◦ Marketability must be tested before a participant may receive training ◦ Labor Market Information (LMI) must be used in this process ◦ Use of TORQ and HWOL tools to help with job search, skills assessment, real-time and historical labor market information  TORQ = Transfer Occupation Relationship Quotient  HWOL = Help Wanted Online  Appropriate workshops ◦ Workshops (resume, interviewing skills, etc) should be provided immediately to those deemed to be marketable ◦ For workers in training, workshops should be provided before conclusion of training to prepare for employment

14  All Trade participants are potentially eligible for the WIOA Dislocated Worker program  ETA holds that Trade-eligible participants are dislocated workers ◦ Provides for in-depth assessment of participants ◦ Provides for ongoing case management

15 Watch out for those deadlines!

16 A worker must meet certain deadlines in order to be eligible for TRA (income support) TAA Program2009, 2011 and 2015 TAA Programs  Workers must be enrolled in training 8 weeks after certification or 16 weeks after layoff, whichever is later, in order to be potentially eligible for TRA  Workers must be enrolled in training 26 weeks after certification or layoff, whichever is later, in order to be potentially eligible for TRA

17  The worker must be approved for training by the Trade Unit by the deadlines, or  The worker must be approved for a waiver from training by the Trade Unit.

18  26 weeks from the date of petition certification OR  26 weeks from the worker’s most recent total separation from the certified company  45 days “Extenuating Circumstances” extension is possible  Good Cause  2009: State good cause provisions allowable  2011/2015: Only Federal good cause Worker must be enrolled in training or be approved for a waiver no later than the 26/26 week deadline:

19 The Extenuating Circumstances (EC) extension extends the 26/26 week deadlines by an additional 45 days.  “Extenuating Circumstances” must be circumstances beyond the control of the worker.  The “Secretary” determines if there are extenuating circumstances that justify an extension in the enrollment period – the state acts as the Secretary in this case.

20 There is no single, universally endorsed definition of “extenuating”. In general, the situation must be beyond the individual’s immediate control and must be unusual and/or infrequent, unexpected, and significantly disruptive. Examples include:  Hospitalization  Family bereavement  Incarceration  Domestic displacement  Etc.

21 What if a worker has missed ALL of the deadlines? The 2009 Act allows the state to apply a “good cause” provision to time limitations. There are two types of Good Cause provisions:  Good Cause Within 30 Days  Good Cause Beyond 30 Days

22 If a worker has missed the 26-week deadlines, s/he should apply for an Extenuating Circumstances extension. If the worker has also missed the EC deadline, and it is within 30 days after the EC deadline, then s/he may apply for a Good Cause Within 30 Days provision.

23 There are 11 reasons a worker may be approved for a Good Cause Within 30 Days provision:  Career Center or State staff directly discouraged worker to file  Death of household member or immediate family  Delay in mail  Determination / Notice never received  Emergency family crisis  Illiteracy or mental disability to understand  Intimidation, coercion, or harassment by employer  Limited English  Out of state seeking employment  Serious illness or hospitalization  Other

24 If a worker has missed the 26-week deadlines, missed the EC deadline, and it is beyond 30 days after the EC deadline, then s/he may apply for a Good Cause Beyond 30 Days provision. Good Cause Beyond 30 Days

25 There are 4 reasons a worker may be approved for a Good Cause Beyond 30 Days provision: Once a worker is notified, it must be documented in MOSES (NOTES). The worker will then have 60 days to be approved for training or on a waiver from training to be potentially eligible for TRA. No other reasons will be accepted for Good Cause Beyond 30 Days!  Career Center or State staff directly discouraged worker to file  Determination / Notice never received  Determination / Notice received after 30 days  Intimidation, coercion, or harassment by employer

26  Effective only with those eligible under the 2011 and 2015 Program  A waiver for good cause of the time limitations applies “with respect to an application for TRA or enrollment in training”. This means the 26 week enrollment in training deadline.  Same application procedure as “state good cause” under 2009 Program

27  Worker acted reasonably prudent  Determination/Notice not received  Factors outside of the control of the worker  Worker sought extension in timely manner  Worker physically unable to take timely action  Intimidation, coercion, or harassment by employer  Worker misinformed by career center or state staff  Reasonable advice not provided to worker  Compelling reasons or circumstances ◦ Neglect by the state ◦ Illness or injury to worker or immediate family ◦ Delay in mail ◦ Natural catastrophe ◦ Delay in employer providing information ◦ Compelling personal affairs or problems ◦ Communication not in worker’s native language ◦ Loss or unavailability of records

28  Equitable Tolling of a deadline may only apply in egregious circumstances where an individual acted with due diligence to meet the deadline.  What benefits can be Equitably tolled? ◦ Training for TRA purposes ◦ Additional TRA ◦ Job Search Allowances ◦ Relocation Allowances Equitable Tolling May apply to all TAA customers

29  Equitable Tolling should be applied in situations where it would be manifestly unfair to deny a worker TRA based on the worker’s failure to meet a deadline or to deny other TAA benefits due to missed deadlines (Additional TRA, Job Search Allowances, Relocation Allowances).  Equitable Tolling is available for those under the 2002, 2009, 2011and 2015 Programs  A 45 day EC must be submitted and approved prior to Equitable Tolling being approved.

30 Length of Time Allowed: ◦ Training for TRA purposes  Start on date person knew or should have known + the later of the last day of the 8th week or 56 days ◦ Additional TRA  Start on date person knew or should have known days ◦ Job Search Allowances  Start on date person knew or should have known days OR if participated in TAA approved training days from the end date of training ◦ Relocation Allowances  Start on date person knew or should have known days OR if participated in TAA approved training days from the end date of training

31 A worker must first apply for the Extenuating Circumstances extension. If the EC extension is not approved, then the worker cannot apply for the Good Cause provision, Federal Good Cause or Equitable Tolling. This is because if the worker does not have circumstances that are extenuating, then s/he would not have good cause, either.

32 A worker must be enrolled in training or be approved for a waiver no later than:  26 weeks from the date of petition certification OR  26 weeks from the worker’s most recent total separation from the certified company Remember, workers only need to meet these deadlines if they want to be eligible for TRA income support. If they miss the deadlines, they can still potentially get training, but will have no income support from Trade. 45 days “extenuating circumstances” extension is possible EC must be approved prior to Federal Good Cause and Equitable Tolling

Federal Good CauseEquitable Tolling Statutory YesNo ProgramApplicable under the 2011 & 2015 Program Available in 2002, 2009, 2011, & 2015 Programs Deadlines Can be applied ONLY to application for TRA and enrollment in training Applies to any TAA deadline 33

34 Training Under the Trade Program

35 Trade’s Axiom: The least amount of training at the lowest possible cost in the shortest amount of time to be able to obtain “suitable employment”.

36 1. There is no suitable employment (which may include technical and professional employment) available for the adversely affected worker. 2. The worker would benefit from appropriate training. 3. There is a reasonable expectation of employment following completion of such training. 4. Training approved by the Secretary is reasonably available to the worker from either governmental agencies or private sources. 5. The worker is qualified to undertake and complete such training. 6. Such training is suitable for the worker and available at a reasonable cost. Usage of TORQ and HWOL in Career Centers

37 If a worker’s TRA will run out prior to the end of training, the training may be approved if the worker demonstrates the financial ability to complete the training after the end of TRA TAA Program2009 TAA Program2011 and 2015 Programs  Up to 104 weeks  Up to 130 weeks if the worker was also enrolled in remedial training  Up to 130 weeks  Up to 156 weeks if the worker was also enrolled in remedial training  Up to 130 weeks Training which exceeds the maximum number of weeks allowed may not be paid for under the TAA program.

38 ProgramMaximum WeeksPart-TimeBreaks in Training (Days) No Yes Yes Yes30  Online Training, Remedial/Prerequisites allowed for all programs  A training program may be comprised of several training components (i.e.: remedial training first, then vocational training, may also combine classroom and OJT)

39 Suitable employment is defined in the Trade regulations as work of an equal of higher skill level and with a wage of at least 80% of the worker’s prior average weekly wage.

40  $10,000 for remedial training per year  $20,000 for vocational training  $28,000 for degree programs $35,000 max including travel, subsistence, etc. Currently in Massachusetts, For all TAA participants, a training program (tuition, fees and books) cannot exceed:

41 Training may be approved before separation for adversely affected workers covered under the 2009, 2011and 2015 Acts ONLY. The incumbent worker must be someone who: 1.Is a member of a group of workers that has been certified as eligible to apply for TAA benefits 2.Has not been totally or partially separated from employment, but has a layoff date verified by the company and 3.Is determined to be individually threatened with total or partial separation (will be monitored via case management).

42 one training program per certification. A worker may only be approved for one training program per certification. Therefore, a training program begun prior to separation counts as that one training program, and the training plan should be designed to meet the long-term needs of the worker. Note: A training program may be comprised of several training components (i.e., remedial training first, then vocational training)

43 Remember, to be eligible for TRA, a worker must be approved for training (or be approved for a waiver) no later than:  26 weeks from the date of petition certification OR  26 weeks from the worker’s most recent total separation from the certified company  45 days “Extenuating Circumstances” extension is possible  Good Cause  2009: State good cause provisions allowable  2011/2015: Only Federal good cause Prepare and submit your training packages (requests) to allow sufficient time for review by the Trade Unit.

44 The MA TAA Unit will now require submission of accurate training course outlines with cost breakdowns for ALL certificate and degree programs at any college/university. Training course outlines must also specifically identify costs associated with any required remedial/developmental education components of the planned training program. Therefore, local areas must assure that identification of any required remedial/developmental education needed by a TAA eligible individual is identified through appropriate assessment/testing prior to submission of the training request to the MA TAA Unit.

45 Examples of remedial training include:  Basic math & writing skills  English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)  Courses leading to a Hi-Set (GED) Remedial training can occur concurrently with other training Remedial training can occur at any time of the training program, but Remedial TRA is collected at the end (after all other TRA has been exhausted)

46 The training course outlines must include accurate itemized cost estimates for each of the following elements:  Tuition  Fees Policy  Books100 DCS  Supplies  Health Insurance  Other (such as an itemization of required tools, equipment, uniforms)

47 The following categories describe items that may be paid for with TAA funds: 1. Textbooks 2. Tools 3. Basic Supplies and Materials 4. Uniforms 5. Special Supplies/Equipment (i.e. laptop) 6. Required test fees Only those supplies, materials and equipment required of all students participating in the same training program may be covered.

48 Basic Supplies/Materials Examples AllowableNot Allowable  Paper  Notepads  Pencils  Pens  Highlighters  Computers/Laptops when required  Calculator (small, hand-held, desktop)  Briefcases  Backpacks  Basic Software (i.e. Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.)  Personal items (e.g., envelopes, staplers)

49 The maximum amount that can be approved for basic supplies, materials for each customer is: For a training program based on a semester schedule:  Thirty dollars ($30) per semester (full semester)  Fifteen dollars ($15) per intersession For a training program based on a weekly, non-semester schedule:  $15 for a training program scheduled for 13 weeks, or less.  $30 for a training program scheduled for 14 to 26 weeks in length.  $60 for a training program scheduled for 27 to 52 weeks in length.  $90 for a training program scheduled for 53 to 78 weeks in length.  $120 for a training program scheduled for 79 to 104 weeks in length. These material/supply costs must be pre-approved and receipts along with a completed REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT form must be submitted for reimbursement.

50 Maximum Cost AllowedPC/Laptop $1000one-time purchase of a required PC or laptop Criteria for PC/Laptop Cost Approval 1.Customer must submit cost information on a minimum of two comparable models 2. Purchase cost will be covered only if use of a computer/laptop is a requirement of the training provider for participation in the specific training program and only if it is a requirement for all participants of the program The Trade Unit understands that computers are required for most college level course work, but these could be computers used in a college’s computer lab. Therefore, we will not be approving PCs/Laptops for all TAA customers that are approved for college level training and do not already have a computer.

51  Case Management / Follow-up  Case Notes  FIRST consideration must be given to the LOWEST cost training provide in the client’s commuting area  Effects of Withdrawing/Disqualifications  Leaves of Absence  Effects of Recalls, Temporary or Part-Time Employment or Suitable employment  Once training has commenced, go to the Course Activity tab and EDIT the pending course. Do not ADD another course on this tab.

52 What if the worker is unable to participate in training due to health issues? -Must be actively job searching and available for work -Must provide physician’s statement indicating inability to attend training but ability to work

53 Workers may be approved for a waiver from training. This allows them to collect “Basic” TRA income support. However, while workers approved for training do not have to actively seek employment, workers approved for a waiver must conduct a regular job search.

54 Job search efforts must be documented when submitting waiver requests TAA Programs 2009, 2011 and 2015 TAA Programs  Waivers must be reviewed monthly  If customer wants training, the training must be approved within 30 days before the waiver ends  Waivers are first reviewed after three months and then monthly thereafter  Customer can be approved for training by the Monday of the 1 st. week occurring 30 days after the waiver ends

55 Waiver Type 2002 and 2009 Programs 2011 and 2015 Programs Health ConditionXX Enrollment in Training Not Available XX No Training is AvailableXX RecallX NO LONGER AVAILABLE Marketable SkillsX NO LONGER AVAILABLE RetirementX NO LONGER AVAILABLE

56  Worker is subject to recall within 6 months ◦ A written notification of recall by the firm from which the separation occurred must be provided  Worker possesses marketable skills ◦ A resume, assessment, etc must be provided  Worker is near retirement ◦ Worker must be eligible to collect Social Security or Private Pension at time of waiver request.

57  Worker is in poor health ◦ A doctor’s note must be provided; the worker must be able to conduct job search  Delay in first available enrollment date for training ◦ This means that training does not start within 30 days of approval ◦ Training must start within 60 days of the training approval  Training funds are not available under TAA or other Federal Laws ◦ No training funds are available, or there is no suitable training at a reasonable cost

58 Remember, to be eligible for TRA, a worker must be approved for a waiver (or be approved for training) no later than: Prepare and submit your waiver requests to allow sufficient time for review by the Trade Unit. Remember to document LMI, job search efforts, etc.!  26 weeks from the date of petition certification OR  26 weeks from the worker’s most recent total separation from the certified company  45 days “Extenuating Circumstances” extension is possible  Good Cause  2009: State good cause provisions allowable  2011/2015: Only Federal good cause

59 These benefits are for TAA approved participants who have interviews or job offers outside of their normal commuting area.

60 The client must be traveling out of their “normal commuting area”. “Normal Commuting Area” is considered to be travel which is 30 miles greater than they were traveling from work to the adversely affected employment. A Job Search Allowance may be granted only once, for one 30-day period, under a certification. However, there may be several job searches during that 30-day period. 2002, 2011 and 2015 TAA Programs 2009 TAA Program 90% of allowable costs, up to $1, % of allowable costs, up to $1,500

, 2011 and 2015 TAA Programs 2009 TAA Program  90% of allowable costs, up to $1,250  Provides an additional lump sum payment of up to $1,250  100% of costs, up to the statutory limit for Federal Employees  Provides an additional lump sum payment of up to $1,500

62 Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA): Income support under the Trade Program

63 Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA) is income support, similar to UI benefits, available to eligible individuals after they have collected their UI benefits and any federal or state extensions of UI like EUC and EB. As mentioned earlier, TRA benefits are administered by DUA.

64 An individual must…  Meet the 26-week deadline  Be Trade-eligible  Have 26 weeks of employment at the Trade-certified company earning $30 or more  Be eligible for UI based on separation from Trade- certified company  Have exhausted all UI (on initial claim)  Accept suitable work, actively seek work, be referred to suitable work  Be enrolled in TAA-approved training or have an approved waiver from training

65 TRA Type and 2015 BASIC 52 (reduced by any UI received) ADDITIONAL up to 52 weeks in 52 up to 78 weeks in 91 Up to 65 weeks in 78 (Total)104 weeks130 weeks117 weeks REMEDIALUP TO 26 weeks No Longer Available COMPLETION___________ UP TO 13 weeks (during the last 20 weeks of training) if established benchmarks are met and still in training TOTAL NUMBER OF WEEKS 130 weeks156 weeks130 weeks

66 There are up to three types of TRA depending on which petition you are under: ◦ Basic TRA ◦ Additional TRA ◦ Remedial TRA (2002 and 2009 only) ◦ Completion TRA (2011 and 2015 only)

67  Available after worker has exhausted UI and any EUC  Any extensions of UI (e.g., EUC and EB) may reduce either the number of weeks one may be paid TRA benefits and/or the dollar amount of potential TRA benefits one may be entitled to  Worker must be in TAA-approved training or have an approved waiver from training  No Basic TRA can be paid if worker has a break in training of 30 days or more (excludes weekends and holidays)  Can continue to collect Basic TRA after training ends as long as worker is conducting job search UI/EUC and Basic TRA= 52 weeks

68 UI/EUC and Basic TRA = 52 weeks  Worker must have exhausted all Basic TRA  Worker must be in approved training full-time (cannot be on a waiver)  Workers under the 2002 Act have 52 weeks to collect all Additional TRA  Workers under the 2009 Act have 91 weeks to collect all Additional TRA  Workers under the 2011and 2015 Act have 78 weeks to collect all Additional TRA  No Additional TRA can be paid during any breaks in training  Once training ends, Additional TRA ends Additional TRA (if in training)= 52, 65,or 78 weeks max

69  Worker must have exhausted all Additional TRA  Worker must be in approved training full-time (cannot be on a waiver)  Worker must have attended remedial training  Worker receives one week of Remedial TRA for each week of remedial training, up to 26 weeks Remedial TRA (if in training) * 2002 and 2009 only* = 26 weeks max UI/EUC and Basic TRA = 52 weeks Additional TRA (if in training) = 52, 65,or 78 weeks max

70  Completion TRA provides participants with up to 13 additional weeks of TRA within the last 20 weeks of their training plan  This new category of TRA aligns with the Department’s larger aim to increase the completion of recognized credentials…  Conditions of Completion TRA: ◦ The requested weeks are necessary for the worker to complete a training program that leads to a degree or industry recognized credential; AND ◦ The worker is participating in training each week; AND ◦ The worker has met the performance benchmarks established in the approved training plan; AND ◦ The worker is expected to continue to make progress toward the completion of the approved training; AND ◦ The worker will be able to complete the training during the period authorized for receipt of Completion TRA

71  Must be established at the beginning of all training programs longer than 3 months  REQUIRED for Completion TRA eligibility  Reviews will be conducted at 60 day intervals from the start of the training plan ◦ This will strengthen case management efforts  Benchmarks will be documented in an IEP/CDP and signed by the participant  Encourages early intervention and modification of unsuccessful training plans ◦ Modifications can increase training completion and credential attainment ◦ Modifications can include: tutoring, changing from a degree to certificate, etc. Policy 100 DCS

72 UI/EUC and Basic TRA= 52 weeks Additional TRA (if in training)= 52 weeks max Maximum of= 104 weeks Remedial TRA (if in training & took remedial training) = 26 weeks max Maximum of= 130 weeks

73 UI/EUC and Basic TRA= 52 weeks Additional TRA (if in training)= 78 weeks max Maximum of= 130 weeks Remedial TRA (if in training & took remedial training) = 26 weeks max Maximum of= 156 weeks

74 UI/EUC and Basic TRA= 52 weeks Additional TRA (if in training)= 65 weeks max Maximum of= 117 weeks Completion TRA (if Benchmarks and other criteria are met) = 13 weeks max Maximum of= 130 weeks

75 A worker may work part-time while attending training full-time. Under the 2009, 2011 and 2015 Acts, a worker can earn up to their weekly TRA benefit amount without any deduction. After the TRA benefit amount has been reached, the balance of earnings is subject to the 1/3 rule.

76 ATAA = 2002 Law RTAA = 2009, 2011and 2015 Laws

TAA Program – ATAA (Available to workers Covered by Petitions with Numbers 69,999 or below AND 80,000 to 80,999 for the (election group) TAA Program - RTAA (Available to Workers Covered by Petitions with Numbers 70,000 through 79,999) 2011 and 2015 TAA Program -RTAA (Available to Workers Covered by Petitions with Numbers 81,000 and higher  Available to workers 50 years of age or older  Requires a separate certification of group eligibility  Workers may not participate in TAA- approved training  Available to workers 50 years of age or older  Does not require a separate certification of group eligibility  Workers may participate in TAA- approved training  Available to workers 50 years of age or older  Does not require a separate certification of group eligibility  Workers may participate in TAA- approved training

TAA Program – ATAA (Available to workers Covered by Petitions with Numbers 69,999 or below AND 80,000 to 80,999 for the (election group) TAA Program - RTAA (Available to Workers Covered by Petitions with Numbers 70,000 through 79,999) 2011 and 2015 TAA Program - RTAA (Available to Workers Covered by Petitions with Numbers 81,000 and higher)  Requires full-time employment within 26 weeks of separation  ATAA must be applied for within 2 years of the customers reemployment date  Does not set a deadline for reemployment  Requires full-time employment, unless the worker is also enrolled in full-time TAA-approved training and employed at least 20 hours per week  Does not set a deadline for reemployment  Requires full-time employment, unless the worker is also enrolled in full-time TAA-approved training and employed at least 20 hours per week

and TAA Program – ATAA 2009 TAA Program - RTAA 2011 and 2015 TAA Program - RTAA  Available only for workers earning less than $50,000 per year in reemployment  Maximum benefit of $10,000 over a period of up to two years  Participants are eligible for the HCTC  Available only for workers earning less than $55,000 per year in reemployment  Maximum benefit of $12,000 over a period of up to two years  Participants are eligible for the HCTC  Available only for workers earning less than $50,000 per year in reemployment  Maximum benefit of $10,000 over a period of up to two years  Participants are eligible for the HCTC

80  50% of the difference between all reemployment wages and all wages earned at separation (all wages as of last week of employment)  HCTC  Only while on A/RTAA  Not to exceed 2 years Please Note: Awaiting Operating Instructions for HCTC from IRS  Eligible for Relocation Allowances (not Job Search allowances though)

81 Assistance with the costs of health insurance premiums Please Note: Awaiting Operating Instructions for HCTC from IRS

82  A tax credit covering xx% of an eligible participant’s monthly qualifying health insurance premium  The HCTC can be claimed monthly or yearly

83 MEASURE 2015 Goals st Quarter nd Quarter rd Quarter Entered Employment Rate (EER) 71.1%80% 81%80.7% Employment Retention Rate (ERR) 91.2%91% 91.5% Average Earnings (AE) $19,799$17,005 $18,036$17,782