Preparations for Detector R&D Committee Meeting Dec Craig Woody BNL TPC/HBD Upgrade Working Group Nov 26, 2002
C.Woody, TPC/HBD Upgrade Working Group 11/26/02 2 Thursday, Dec. 19 8:30 Committee executive session 9:00 BNL's plans for the future of RHIC 9:30 Plans for machine upgrades 10:00 break 10:20 PHENIX: future physics and planned upgrades 11:10 STAR: future physics and planned upgrades 12:00 lunch 1:30 PHENIX R&D proposals 3:30 break 4:00 STAR R&D proposals 6:00 Committee executive session 7:30 dinner Friday, Dec. 20 8:30 Tour of STAR and PHENIX 9:30 Executive session: report preparation; additional presentations if needed 12:00 Working lunch 1:00 Close-out session 2:00 Adjourn Silicon - 45 min (Craig O. + ?) TPC/HBD - 45 min (Itzhak/Craig W.) DAQ - 30 min (Chi + ?) Axel - Physics motivation, overall R&D and implementation plan Agenda for Detector R&D Committee - Dec 19-20
C.Woody, TPC/HBD Upgrade Working Group 11/26/02 3 Reiterate the physics case Assert the feasibility of making the physics measurements we want to make Define the main R&D Issues Set goals and milestones to resolve these issues Specify requirements (cost and manpower) to achieve these goals Define an implementation plan leading to an actual working detector (including estimated cost and schedule) What should we present to the Committee ?
C.Woody, TPC/HBD Upgrade Working Group 11/26/02 4 Low mass lepton pairs and vector mesons Charm and B physics with resolved secondary verticies - low mass tracking just outside vertex detector - allows measurement in both heavy ion and pp running Improved inner tracking for PHENIX - increased h and f coverage (needed for jet and g-jet physics) - tracking through the magnetic field (improves momentum resolution and the ability to reject high p T background tracks) Physics measurements we want to do that are addressed by this detector
C.Woody, TPC/HBD Upgrade Working Group 11/26/02 5 Main R&D Issues GEM Detectors - Gain, stability, aging ( COMPASS, but need our own experience) - Ion feedback, spatial resolution, gain uniformity for TPC - Operation with CsI photocathode + high gain for HBD - Rate dependence Studies of gas properties - Can we use CF 4 as the radiator gas for the HBD, the drift gas for the TPC, and the working gas for the GEMs ? - What are the consequences of having to use some other gas or gas mixture ? (need to study drift, diffusion, dE/dx, optical transparency of other gases) - Scintillation properties of CF 4 and other gases (NSLS measurement delayed until February)
C.Woody, TPC/HBD Upgrade Working Group 11/26/02 6 R&D Issues (continued) HBD - How “hadron blind” can we make the detector ? - How to minimize sensitivity to scintillation light ? TPC - Design of the readout plane (interpolative readout vs pads) - Design of the field cage - Space charge effects (initially looks ok) - E B effects inside PHENIX central magnet and how this will affect pattern recognition and position resolution Electronics - TPC (Analog FE, ALTRO chip, AD9289, custom ASIC ?) - HBD (Analog FE, AD9289, AMU/ADC + TDC ?)
C.Woody, TPC/HBD Upgrade Working Group 11/26/02 7 R&D Milestones FY2003 Complete TPC drift cell (including readout plane) Gas studies with TPC, HBD, GEMs Photocathode studies with CsI Design TPC field cage and HBD electrode structure Begin engineering design study of TPC/HBD detector system Begin design of HBD & TPC readout electronics FY2004 Build and test TPC/HBD prototype detector Complete design of HBD readout electronics Complete engineering design of TPC/HBD detector system FY2005 Complete TPC detector design Complete design of TPC readout electronics
C.Woody, TPC/HBD Upgrade Working Group 11/26/02 8 R&D Budget Request Total: $1.435M over 3 years Institutional responsibilities ?
C.Woody, TPC/HBD Upgrade Working Group 11/26/02 9 Implementation Plan Construction (2 years) Detector: $250K Gas System: $250 K Detector mounted electronics: $4.0M (80K Readout $50/ch) Other readout electronics: $500K Total: $5.0 M FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 HBDTPC R&D Operation Construction R&D Construction Operation R&D (3 years) Total: $1.4M (LDRD for $100K in FY 2001 & FY 2002)
C.Woody, TPC/HBD Upgrade Working Group 11/26/02 10 Additional Slides
C.Woody, TPC/HBD Upgrade Working Group 11/26/02 11 RHIC Detector Advisory Committee Peter Braun-Munzinger (GSI, Darmstadt), Chair Russell Betts (U. Illinois, Chicago) Don Geesaman (Argonne Nat. Lab.) Carl Haber (Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab.) Berndt Mueller (Duke Univ.) Rick Van Berg (Univ. Pennsylvania) Jerry Va’vra (SLAC) First Meeting: December 19-20, 2002, at BNL
C.Woody, TPC/HBD Upgrade Working Group 11/26/02 12 Charge Early in 2002 the BNL Physics Department issued a Call for Proposals for RHIC Detector R&D. This is part of the Laboratory’s preparation for possible upgrades of the machine and detectors to take advantage of new scientific opportunities brought to light by the initial experiments with the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The R&D proposals received from PHENIX and STAR reflect the long-term scientific goals of the collaborations, and provide the beginnings of an integrated plan for major upgrades of these detectors. Both proposals emphasize the need to develop new and emerging technologies to satisfy the specific needs of the RHIC program. The Detector Advisory Committee is asked to assist the BNL Physics Department in initiating this upgrade process and in following its progression through the R&D phase to an appropriately scaled and sequenced set of construction projects. Of immediate interest will be the Committee’s advice regarding the merits and feasibility of the proposed R&D. This will require consideration both of the technical promise of the proposed effort and the expected benefit for the RHIC program. Our goal is to get the Committee’s advice before the end of this year, to aid in making decisions so that funds can be distributed early in calendar With the cognizance of the Dept. of Energy, BNL expects to make available R&D funds totaling ~$1M in FY 2003, with the expectation that this effort will be supported at this level or higher in subsequent years.
C.Woody, TPC/HBD Upgrade Working Group 11/26/02 13 Charge (Continued) The Committee will be asked to meet regularly, at least once per year, to review progress, consider new or follow-up proposals, and to provide technical and scientific advice on the proposed upgrade construction projects. Ultimately, scientific decisions regarding major upgrade projects will be made with the advice of the Laboratory’s High Energy/Nuclear Physics Program Advisory Committee. It is our expectation that the Detector Advisory Committee will provide on-going advice and oversight specific to the RHIC detector program, to help ensure that the development and planning for these upgrades is well-matched to the scientific goals of RHIC and takes best advantage of current technology. The Committee’s first meeting will take place December 19-20, to hear public presentations of the technical aspects of the R&D proposals, as well as overviews from each of the collaborations of the important physics questions to be addressed over the remainder of this decade, and the requirements that these make on the performance of improved detector systems.