Wesley SmithMay 12, 2008 Trigger Budget Review - 1 US CMS Mid-Year Budget Review Trigger Wesley Smith May 12, 2008 Outline Overview of Activities FY 08 Budget Changes since budget review Fall ’07. Survey by Institution FY 08 so far. Projection for the remainder of FY 08. First look at FY 09. Summary
Wesley SmithMay 12, 2008 Trigger Budget Review - 2 Overview of Activities – FY 08 Commissioning Regional Calorimeter Trigger Operating Regional Calorimeter Trigger Maintenance of Regional Calorimeter Trigger R&D on Calorimeter Trigger Upgrade Commissioning Endcap Muon Trigger Operating Endcap Muon Detector Trigger Maintenance of Endcap Muon Detector Trigger R&D on Endcap Muon Trigger Detector Upgrade Commissioning Endcap Muon Track-Finder Trigger Operating Endcap Muon Track-Finder Trigger Maintenance of Endcap Muon Track-Finder Trigger R&D on Endcap Muon Trigger Track-Finder Upgrade
Wesley SmithMay 12, 2008 Trigger Budget Review - 3 FY 08 Budget Summary of Changes: COLA for Wisconsin COLA for Brown COLA for UIC COLA for Trig. Iowa COLA for Texas A&M Approved Budget (Fall 07)$772,387 Changes $89,552 Current FY 08 Budget $861,939 DOE Budget $625,591 NSF Budget $236,348 Total $861,939
Wesley SmithMay 12, 2008 Trigger Budget Review - 4 FY 08 - Summary by Institution Rice: Spending on FY07 funds. Close out all pre-FY07 WBS tasks: 36, to return. Florida: Spending on FY07. Should have spent out all pre-FY07 funds by end of month InstitutionDOE/NSF Open Comm (Prior Years) FY 08 BudgetSubaward Status FloridaDOE 38,74523,080 No funds received RiceDOE 169,714172,155 Funds received WisconsinDOE0 378, 836 No funds received Texas A&MDOE0 14,960 No funds received U. IowaDOE0 14,960 CERN Team Acct BrownDOE0 14,960 CERN Team Acct UICDOE0 6,640 CERN Team Acct Total DOE 208, ,591 FloridaNSF 161,782167,107No funds received RiceNSF0 0N/A WisconsinNSF 63,201 69,241No funds received Total NSF 224,983236,348 Total 433,442861,939
Wesley SmithMay 12, 2008 Trigger Budget Review - 5 CERN Team Account Used for COLA payments Team Account$ Balance beg of FY 08 10,000 FY 08 additions 30,000 FY 08 spending so far 0 FY 08 rem for FY 08 (est) 40,000 Balance beg of FY 09 (est)10,000
Wesley SmithMay 12, 2008 Trigger Budget Review - 6 FloridaFlorida Typically project funding arrives at Florida about 6 months after DOE FY begins. Base grant supplements come after nominal March 1 funding cycle. There is a limit to how much borrowing the university allows (if at all), so generally over the last years this has forced deferring some project work and thus the payments to compensate. Expect to obligate $14,620 less than budgeted in FY08 due to M&S. Florida DOE & NSFFY 08 Budget FY 08 Oblig thru Mar08 Projected FY 08 Oblig Personnel120,947 60, ,947 Person-months147 M&S69,42017,31054,620 Purchases34,620020,000 Travel11,5405,77011,540 COLA23,08011,54023,080 Total190,187 77, ,567
Wesley SmithMay 12, 2008 Trigger Budget Review - 7 RiceRice Rice has not obligated any amounts from the FY08 MOU. It is not possible at Rice to obligate funds until the MPO is actually in hand. Instead, at Rice they charge against the previous year's WBS numbers. As instructed, these amounts are what has been spent or obligated in FY08 (which is FY07 money). Anticipate obligating $14,620 less than budgeted in FY08 due to M&S Rice DOE & NSFFY 08 Budget FY 08 Oblig thru Mar08 Projected FY 08 Oblig Personnel102,915 43, ,915 Person-months126 M&S69,24029,98354,620 Purchases34,6209,17520,000 Travel11,5409,26811,540 COLA23,08011,54023,080 Total172,155 73, ,535
Wesley SmithMay 12, 2008 Trigger Budget Review - 8 WisconsinWisconsin Wisconsin is always lending money to the project. Typical deficits are in the K$ range. Wisconsin does not allow invoicing until the invoice from the vendor is received and funding is in place to cover obligations. Expect to fully obligate FY08 budget Wisconsin DOE & NSFFY 08 Budget FY 08 Oblig thru Mar08 Projected FY 08 Oblig Personnel289, , ,596 Person-months M&S158,481113,861158,481 Purchases69,241 Travel23,08011,54023,080 COLA66,16033,08066,160 Total448, , ,077
Wesley SmithMay 12, 2008 Trigger Budget Review - 9 Brown, UIC, Iowa, T A&M Important for getting key people to CERN to help commission Could only plan to send people when funding was assured. People are coming later, but will remain later into FY09 Expect to obligate $22,880 less than budgeted in FY08 but request to use these funds in FY09. COLAFY 08 Budget FY 08 Oblig thru Mar08 Projected FY 08 Oblig Grant - DOE T A&M - HLT14,96007,000 Team Account Brown - HLT14,96007,000 Iowa - Trig DQM14,96007,000 UIC - HLT6,6400 Total51, ,640
Wesley SmithMay 12, 2008 Trigger Budget Review - 10 FY 08 Summary and FY 09 Estimate Still need more personnel at CERN for trigger DQM & HLT COLA request for Cornell ($20K) for more personnel on Trigger DQM Hope for more (assume FY09 ~40 K$ over FY08) Expect to have M&S on SLHC on SLHC budget? FY 08 Summary and FY 09 Estimate FY 08 Budget Projected FY 08 Oblig FY 08 Excess or (Shortfall) FY 09 Estimate Personnel513, ,861 Person-months50 0 M&S 348, ,36151,500370,000 Purchases 138, ,24129,420120,000 Travel 46, ,000 COLA 163,840140,960 22,080200,000 Total 862,029809,90951,500898,861
Wesley SmithMay 12, 2008 Trigger Budget Review - 11 Summary and Conclusions Budget information has been presented as required Trigger manpower at CERN is light COLA support is very valuable and hope for increase Commissioning of trigger is incomplete DQM, ConfDB, CondDB are not ready yet Calorimeter trigger concerns: Only electron triggers commissioned -- all jet & energy triggers not available - - expect in June EE TPG not available until Fall (VPT noise, tower mapping) HCAL noise -- hard to study due to HCAL data corruption Muon trigger concerns: Missing ME 4/2 will cause rate problems at higher lumi Lumi concerns: No full-time postdoc at CERN -- need for cross section monitoring HLT concerns: Not enough personnel: unable to develop paths for startup hardware (e.g. jet triggers seeded by electron trigger), missing HLT DQM, missing confDB SLHC concerns: What is supported by present R&D & what by SLHC budget?