SLAC Accelerator Development Program Tor Raubenheimer OHEP Accelerator Development Review January 24-26, 2011
SLAC Accelerator Development SLAC GAD program supports developing accelerator concepts before project funding is available –Accelerator design: FACET, End Station Test Beam, Super-B, … –LHC acc. research: LLRF, e-cloud feedback, crab cavity, … –X-band rf development: power sources, CLIC collaboration, … Funding of roughly 4M$ per year –Excellent program with quantifiable results Highly leveraged effort attracting additional funding –FACET and ESTB became OHEP funded projects –Many SLAC LHC GAD proposals now funded by LARP –Substantial SLAC LDRD and WFO funding –Attracting many collaborators ~70 papers over the last two years SLAC Accelerator Development Program Page 2
Ongoing SLAC GAD Programs Reports on main ongoing programs during GAD review: –LHC accelerator research Tom Markiewicz –Super-B accelerator design Michael Sullivan –X-band power source development Michael Fazio –X-band applications Chris Adolphsen –High performance rf modeling Arno Candel Future plans –Transitions are happening in LHC and Super-B programs have reduced FY11 budgets while developing future plans –X-band rf technology program is increased to commercialize components and complete additional testing beamline –Developing separate more expansive X-band rf technology development proposal in support of linear colliders and FELs SLAC Accelerator Development Program Page 3
Other SLAC GAD Programs End Station Test Beam project –Funded in FY11 from Detector R&D B&R: 1.6M$ construction plus 0.4M$/year operation FACET project –Funded in FY10 from ARRA and AIP: ~20M$ construction plus 6M$/year operation from Accelerator Science B&R CLIC R&D –R&D largely being supported with CERN funds in FY11 Project-X R&D –R&D directly supported by direct Fermilab funding in FY11 Feedback and LLRF R&D –Ongoing support of 0.5 FTE to consider next generation technology SLAC Accelerator Development Program Page 4
Spending for SLAC GAD Program FY08FY09FY10FY11 Notes GAD Funding11,2324,0523,3333,538 LHC Accelerator Research1, *A INFN Super-B design *B X-band Klystron Development ,806 *C X-band rf technology ,022 *D High Performance rf modeling End Station Test Beam design *E FACET design *F CLIC R&D *G Project-X collaboration *H Feedback and LLRF program Spending Totals9,6464,8884,2863,544 SLAC Accelerator Development Program Page 5 FY08 data not shown due to transition after December 2007 Omnibus Bill *A LHC funding in FY11 is primarily supporting students *B Additional support for Super-B design from LDRD funds in FY09-FY10; additional funding in FY11 possible from INFN and/or KEK. *C Klystron funding includes construction of an XL-4 and 1500k$ for commercial XL-4’s in FY11 *D Additional support for X-band program (rf gun) from LDRD funds and WFO from LLNL *E End Station Test Beam construction and operation are funded separately in FY11 *F FACET was funded by ARRA and OHEP AIP funds in FY10 and FY11 *G CLIC efforts supported through WFO funding from CERN in FY11 *H Project-X R&D is funded directly by Fermilab in part of FY10 and all of FY11
LHC Accelerator Research Future SLAC has contributed many projects to LHC and LARP –Presently 5 main programs: Present program is largely funded by LARP SLAC may contribute to EU program on High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider Design Study (HL-LHC-DS) –Focus on: storage ring nonlinear dynamics and collective effects crab cavity design –Would maintain core competency in storage ring design and rf design –Uncertainty due to Super-B program and crab cavity specifications SLAC Accelerator Development Program Page 6
Super B-factory Future SLAC contributed strongly to INFN B-factory design INFN Super-B project was approved by the Italian gov. However, OHEP had decided not to support the INFN project –Funds are available to transfer PEP-II hardware to INFN –Further studies or development could be supported by INFN –Decision may be revisited once INFN project team is formed OHEP will support the Super-KEKB project –Opportunities for collaboration with KEK Super-B program at SLAC is on hold while we decide on a path forward with either KEK or INFN –Project funding might begin in FY13 –Expect minimal GAD funding in FY11 but possible restart in FY12 SLAC Accelerator Development Program Page 7
X-band RF Technology Development SLAC pioneered the X-band rf technology in 1990’s & 2000’s –Option for high gradient, compact linacs –High rf frequency and field gradients useful for beam manipulation Long-term goal provide an option for a linear collider –Collaborating with CERN on staged approach to CLIC Short-term goal wider use of technology –Near-term applications will facilitate technology adoption Biggest obstacle to adoption is lack of vendors –Working with users & vendors to commercialize klystrons & structures X-band rf technology GAD program bridges ‘valley of death’ –Develop and commercialize the best components from the existing technology suite and results from the US High Gradient Collaboration SLAC Accelerator Development Program Page 8
SLAC Accelerator Directorate SLAC Accelerator Development Program Page 9 GAD activities are in ARD and AED managed by Norbert Holtkamp
Summary SLAC GAD program was has been focused since FY09 –Aimed at near-term development (5-10 years) and proto-projects –Many design efforts have become funded projects –Developing and commercializing X-band rf technology SLAC GAD program has been very successful –Highly leveraged effort attracting additional funding and collaborators –Developed a number of proto-projects until funded –Produced ~70 papers in last two years Program is focused on X-band rf in FY11 while LHC and Super-B plans are developed –Commercialize rf power source and work with collaborators to establish technology base SLAC Accelerator Development Program Page 10