Growth Mindset
Why Growth Mindset? When students and teachers have a growth mindset, they understand that intelligence can be developed. Students focus on improvement instead of worrying about how smart they are. They work hard to learn more and get smarter. Based on years of research by Stanford University’s Dr. Dweck, Lisa Blackwell Ph.D., and their colleagues, we know that students who learn this mindset show greater motivation in school, better grades, and higher test scores. In a growth mindset culture, there is a belief that the most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point.
Fixed vs Growth Mindset
What does a Growth Mindset School look like? Teachers collaborate with their colleagues, rather than shut their classroom doors and fly solo. They strive to strengthen their own practice, rather than blame others. They truly believe that all students can learn and succeed— and show it. Parents can support their children’s learning both inside and outside the classroom. They will worry less about advocating for their children to get good grades and focus on making sure children are being challenged and put in the effort needed to grow. Students are enthusiastic, hard-working, persistent learners. They take charge over their own learning and success. ‘The hallmark of successful individuals is that they love learning, they seek challenges, they value effort, and they persist in the face of obstacles.’
Promoting growth mindset in the classroom.
What is ClassDojo? ClassDojo is a digital classroom management tool designed to help teachers improve student behaviour and communicate more effectively with parents. Each student gets an avatar, which the child can personalize, and teachers create goals or behaviours to track. Teachers can use a tablet or computer to give or take away points throughout the school day. Each student’s points can be displayed via a smart board, and teachers can generate reports to send home to parents.
What does it look like in the classroom? Children’s view of ClassDojo.
How can children collect positive Dojos? Positive Dojo’s that can be awarded in class, based around growth mindset targets.
When will children lose Dojos? Children will lose points for behaviours shown above. These will then be deducted from their avatar’s score.
How does ClassDojo impact on children’s behaviour? When a positive Dojo is awarded in class a sound effect plays. Children will comment and ask questions in class about who has been awarded a Dojo and the reasons why. Children enjoy seeing their points increase as their positive behaviours are recognised. Needs work, or negative Dojos also play a sound when given. Children will always be given options and choices, to change their behaviour before Dojo points are deducted. Children are often disappointed when they lose points for their avatar and will want to work hard, in order to earn positive Dojos to increase their score. Not only do ClassDojo’s provide children with a personal score, but they are also grouped so children can earn points for their house team. Personal scores are celebrated in class and house scores are celebrated in whole school assembly each week.
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