Position Paper Writing about The Heart of Darkness
Your Assignment Answer the question “Is Heart of Darkness a racist text?” You must answer the question either “yes” or “no.” Then you must do the following: –Present the issue –Assert a position –Argue for the position –Consider your readers’ potential responses and offer counterarguments –Establish your credibility.
Presenting the Issue Identify and explain the issue to your readers. To present the issue, you can use several kinds of information: –detail historical and cultural context –cite specific examples –explain your personal interest in the debate –establish or redefine the terms of the debate
Assert a Clear Position Take a side!!!! Try to influence your readers!!!! State your thesis simply and directly. Perhaps you want to use your thesis to forecast stages of your argument. Restate your thesis throughout your essay to keep your reader focused on your position.
Argue for the Position Why is your position valid? Why should readers be persuaded by you? Offer –facts –statistics –examples –stories –quotes from authorities –analogies
Counter Arguing Objections and Opposing Positions Consider your reader. To what in your position are they likely to object? Why? How can you answer their objections?
Establish Credibility Advocate forcefully for your position. Do the following: –support your argument responsibly –let your readers know that you share at least some of their values and beliefs. –try to express understanding of your opponents’ position Don’t do the following: –misrepresent the other point of view –attack your opponents personally –manipulate readers’ emotions –moralize, condescend or belittle your reader
What’s the grade based on? How clearly presented the issue? How clearly have you stated your position? How valid is the evidence you’ve used to support your position? How seriously have you constructed a counter argument? How successfully have you established your credibility?
An Example Read Estrada Where/how does he present the issue? What’s his thesis? Or, where does he take his stand? How does he support his position? –Examples, analogies, stories, facts, etc. Where does he counter argue? Is he credible? Why or Why not?
Sites for Practice Pro Con Take a side –Establish the Issue –Take a stand –Support your stand with evidence –Counter argue –Establish you credibility