Part II OUTBOUND TOURISM Unit 3 On the Airplane. Teaching Objectives  Learn how to take care of the group members when traveling on airplane.  Learn.


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Presentation transcript:

Part II OUTBOUND TOURISM Unit 3 On the Airplane

Teaching Objectives  Learn how to take care of the group members when traveling on airplane.  Learn how to help group members ask for various in-flight services.  Learn how to deal with the sick tourists during the travel  Learn how to protect the passengers’ rights when traveling on airplane.

Briefing on the Working Procedures 乘坐飞机时,为避免遗失,全团机票由领队 统一保管。分配座位时,一般按客人名单顺序 或事先抽签的方式决定座次。由于语言受限, 乘坐外国航班时,许多游客往往不敢开口要求 机上服务。领队应能清楚地帮助团友表达所需, 训练有素的机上乘务员,大都可以应客人的要 求提供周到的服务,从供应饮食、安排娱乐活 动到提供空中购物和救助伤病不适旅客。维护 本团游客享受服务的权益,是领队的职责。 乘坐飞机时,为避免遗失,全团机票由领队 统一保管。分配座位时,一般按客人名单顺序 或事先抽签的方式决定座次。由于语言受限, 乘坐外国航班时,许多游客往往不敢开口要求 机上服务。领队应能清楚地帮助团友表达所需, 训练有素的机上乘务员,大都可以应客人的要 求提供周到的服务,从供应饮食、安排娱乐活 动到提供空中购物和救助伤病不适旅客。维护 本团游客享受服务的权益,是领队的职责。

Warming-up Activities Discuss the following questions in group and Discuss the following questions in group and report the results to the class a . Have you ever travelled on airplane? a . Have you ever travelled on airplane? b . What kind of food can we expect to have for b . What kind of food can we expect to have for dinner when travelling on airplane? dinner when travelling on airplane? c . Why do passengers have to fasten their seat felts c . Why do passengers have to fasten their seat felts when the plane takes off or lands? when the plane takes off or lands? d . Do you know anything about time difference? d . Do you know anything about time difference? What’s the time difference between Shanghai What’s the time difference between Shanghai and Frankfurt? and Frankfurt?

Working Process of Check-in at the Airport (I ) Passenger cabin -- help tourists order meals And drinks Passenger cabin -- help tourists who are not Feeling well Passenger cabin -- help tourists ask for on-flight services Passenger cabin --ask for immigration cards and Customs declaration forms Passenger cabin --ask for flight information

Working Process of Check-in at the Airport (II) 1.Help group members fill in the immigration and emigration forms and Customs declaration cards on the plane 2.Take the group going through immigration formalities upon arrival 3. Help group members locate their luggage at the luggage claim area 4. Take the group going through the Customs Declaration formalities

Explanation of Texts (I) 1.Taking meals on the flight Key Words Key Words captain captain steward steward stewardess stewardess ground crew ground crew air sick air sick overhead light overhead light emergency exit emergency exit in-flight service in-flight service

Explanation of Texts (I) Useful Expressions a. Excuse me, stewardess. Would you show me the way to my seat? a. Excuse me, stewardess. Would you show me the way to my seat? b. My boarding pass says 11 B. b. My boarding pass says 11 B. c. Would you put this bag in the overhead bin for me? c. Would you put this bag in the overhead bin for me? d. Excuse me. May I put my bag in this empty seat beside me ? d. Excuse me. May I put my bag in this empty seat beside me ? e. What kind of soft drinks would you like to have, sir? e. What kind of soft drinks would you like to have, sir? f. What would you like, beef or chicken? f. What would you like, beef or chicken? g. Could I have vegetarian dish? g. Could I have vegetarian dish? h. I’d like to save my lunch for later. h. I’d like to save my lunch for later.

Explanation of Texts (I) Culture Notes a. We have Curried Chicken with Rice and Stewed Beef with Noodle. a. We have Curried Chicken with Rice and Stewed Beef with Noodle. 我们有咖喱鸡饭和红烧牛肉面。 我们有咖喱鸡饭和红烧牛肉面。 b. Coffee will be served in a few minutes. 过一会就供应 咖啡。 b. Coffee will be served in a few minutes. 过一会就供应 咖啡。 Serve: 供应; in a few minutes: 过一会。 Serve: 供应; in a few minutes: 过一会。 c. It’s very considerate of you. 谢谢您。 Considerate: 体 贴的,替(人)着想; It was very considerate of you to remember my birthday. 谢谢你记得我的生日。 c. It’s very considerate of you. 谢谢您。 Considerate: 体 贴的,替(人)着想; It was very considerate of you to remember my birthday. 谢谢你记得我的生日。 d. We also have diapers, bottles, formula milk, and baby food. d. We also have diapers, bottles, formula milk, and baby food. 我们还有尿布、奶瓶、调好的奶和婴儿食品。 我们还有尿布、奶瓶、调好的奶和婴儿食品。

Explanation of Texts (II) 2. Taking care of the tourists who are not feeling well feeling well Key words Key words sickness bag sickness bag lavatory lavatory first-aid kit first-aid kit snack snack life jacket life jacket pillow pillow

Consolidation Q and A 1. Are you supposed to bring fresh fruits into a country when you travel abroad? 2. What questions are you required to answer when you go through immigration formalities? 3. If you couldn’t find your luggage at the luggage claim area, what would you do and what would you say to the clerk of the luggage service? 4. When you go through Customs clearance, 4. When you go through Customs clearance, if you got something to declaration, which if you got something to declaration, which channel should you go through? channel should you go through?

Consolidation Role-play Role-play Situation A Situation A  Your group has just arrived in Bangkok by air. You have to go through Customs after landing. You have got bottles of alcohol for your own use. Make up a dialogue between you and a Customs official. Situation B: Situation B:  You are traveling with a group as a tour leader. You are going the immigration. There are 25 tourists in your group. Make up a dialogue between a immigration official and you.

Assignments 1. Read the passage “Visa” on Page 93 and complete the following dialogue in English. English. 2. Recite the dialogue “Go through the emigration formalities” and practice it in pair.

Thank you!