HTS High-Field Solenoid Development March xx, 2013 Presenter’s Name | DOE Mini-Review of MAP (FNAL, March 4-6, 2013)1 Advanced Quench Protection System Plan built on significant results from PBL/BNL solenoid last year: B o >15 T (record), B peak >16 T in full insert (25 mm, 14 pancakes ) B o > 6 T, B peak > 9 T in half midsert (100 mm, 12 pancakes) Made significant enhancement (more channels) in advanced quench protection system. This activity is partly supported by MAP Fabricated full midsert (24 pancakes). Tested it with insert at 77 K Full midsert worked well (see below) and is ready for test at 4K Several pancakes (at least four) of insert got damaged during the 77 K testing. Apparent cause: excessive thermal strain – the robust mechanical structure prevented good cooling.
BSCO 2212 Conductor Development Limitations in wire J c overcome – major breakthrough –Impurities reduced / internal gas pressure controlled through overpressure processing (an OST-FSU-Fermilab collaboration) –Leakage prevented –J c approaches short sample values (≈2X increase) Cable development studies underway: Next step: wind, react, and test cabled-based coils w/ overpressure processing March xx, 2013 Presenter’s Name | DOE Mini-Review of MAP (FNAL, March 4-6, 2013)2 Comparison of 1 m long cable and single-strand barrel sample Both cable and wire are clean and free of leakage after reactions Cable Single Strand Cable is ‘6-around-1’: strands round a central Fe-Cr-Al high-temperature alloy wire No loss of I c in cable
Fast Pulsed NC Dipole 1.8 T, 400Hz Dipole – D. Summers, U Miss. A 1.8 T dipole magnet using thin grain oriented silicon steel laminations has been constructed as a prototype for a muon synchrotron ramping at 400Hz The dipole has run at 1.8 Tesla both at both 425 Hz and 1410 Hz as well as DC as shown in the graph below March xx, 2013 Presenter’s Name | DOE Mini-Review of MAP (FNAL, March 4-6, 2013)3 Reached 1.8T - further design & prototype work in progress
Fast Pulsed HTS Magnets Rapid cycling YBCO magnet being explored – H. Piekarz, et al. Successful studies at 40Hz; scale-up to MAP rates/field presents a challenge Next stage system design in progress; sub-element fabrication underway Plan to test new assembly by end of FY March xx, 2013 Presenter’s Name | DOE Mini-Review of MAP (FNAL, March 4-6, 2013)4 Present Status Magnetic core for rapid cycling B-field – design & fabrication complete HTS cable for up to 80 kA current – design & assembly of sub-cables complete Power leads for up to 30 kA current – design, fabrication & assembly complete Cable to leads splicing components – design, fabrication complete Leads to power supply connection – design complete, fabrication complete Vacuum pipes to house magnet and leads – design in progress Cryogenic system for magnet test - design & procurement complete, fabrication in progress Instrumentation for magnet cable and leads - procurement complete 1 st stage of assembled HTS magnet coil
MAP Magnet Design Studies March xx, 2013 Presenter’s Name | DOE Mini-Review of MAP (FNAL, March 4-6, 2013)5 Magnets for Interaction Regions of a 1.5 x 1.5 TeV Muon Collider Y. AlexahinMagnets for Interaction Regions of a 1.5 x 1.5 TeV Muon Collider Y. Alexahin, V. Kashikhin, N.V. Mokhov, A.V. Zlobin (Fermilab). May Published in Conf.Proc. C (2012) FERMILAB-CONF APC-TD, IPAC-2012-THPPD035 Presented at Conference: C V. KashikhinN.V. MokhovA.V. ZlobinFermilabC Design Studies of a Dipole with Elliptical Aperture for the Muon Collider Storage Ring R.B. PalmerDesign Studies of a Dipole with Elliptical Aperture for the Muon Collider Storage Ring R.B. Palmer (Brookhaven), M.L. Lopes, V.V. Kashikhin, J.C. Tompkins, A.V. Zlobin (Fermilab). May Published in Conf.Proc. C (2012) FERMILAB-CONF TD, IPAC-2012-THPPD037 Presented at Conference: C BrookhavenM.L. LopesV.V. KashikhinJ.C. TompkinsA.V. ZlobinFermilabC Helical Muon Beam Cooling Channel Engineering Design V.S. KashikhinHelical Muon Beam Cooling Channel Engineering Design V.S. Kashikhin, M.L. Lopes, G.V. Romanov, M.A. Tartaglia, K. Yonehara, M. Yu, A.V. Zlobin (Fermilab), G. Flanagan, R.P. Johnson, G.M. Kazakevich (MUONS Inc., Batavia) et al.. May Published in Conf.Proc. C (2012) FERMILAB-CONF APC-TD, IPAC-2012-TUPPD010 Presented at Conference: C M.L. LopesG.V. RomanovM.A. TartagliaK. YoneharaM. Yu A.V. ZlobinFermilabG. FlanaganR.P. JohnsonG.M. KazakevichMUONS Inc., Batavia et al.C High-Field Combined-Function Magnets for a 1.5 x 1.5 TeV Muon Collider Storage Ring V.V. KashikhinHigh-Field Combined-Function Magnets for a 1.5 x 1.5 TeV Muon Collider Storage Ring V.V. Kashikhin, Y. Alexahin, N.V. Mokhov, A.V. Zlobin (Fermilab). May pp. Published in Conf.Proc. C (2012) FERMILAB-CONF APC-TD, IPAC-2012-THPPD036 Presented at Conference: C Y. AlexahinN.V. MokhovA.V. ZlobinFermilabC