The New National Curriculum Sarah Harper, September 2015
What has changed? How will children be assessed? What will we report to parents?
What has changed? Higher expectations – content is significantly more demanding than in the past Emphasis on Maths and English Arithmetic and application of Maths skills Grammar and spelling New tests 2016
Year 1 Number and place value Calculations Fractions Measurement Shape Application of skills Maths
Year 2 Number and place value Calculations Fractions Measurement Shape Graphs and data Application of skills Maths
Year 1 Phonics Relationship between printed letters and the sounds that they make either singly (e.g. b) or as digraphs (e.g. br), trigraphs (e,g, igh) or split digraphs (e.g. a-e) English
Spoken language Listening and speaking Asking questions New vocabulary Reading 40+ main sounds Segmenting and blending Reading aloud Listen to and talk about a range of genres Retell stories Make predictions about texts Explain clearly what has happened in a text Year 1 READING BEDTIME STORIES IS IMPORTANT
English Writing Skills Pencil grip Name and write letters (and numbers!) Spell simple words using learnt sounds Spell days of the week Use common endings e.g. –ed, -ing, -er Plan out sentences before writing Use joining words such as “and” “but” Begin to use full stops and capitals Combine sentences to make short stories Year 1
English Spoken language Listening and speaking Asking questions New vocabulary Articulate and justify opinions Give well structured explanations Reading Reading aloud confidently Learn letter patterns & blends Recognise common suffixes e.g. –ing, - less Read words which don’t follow phonetic patterns e.g. who, one Become familiar with the features of a wide range of genres Check that their reading makes sense Make predictions Year 2 READING BEDTIME STORIES IS STILL IMPORTANT!
English Writing Skills Form letters correctly and join script Use spaces between words Spell longer words by breaking into sound parts Spell common homophones (blue, blew) Write about real events & personal experience Plan writing in advance and redraft to improve Use past tense and present tense correctly Use possessive apostrophe e.g. boy’s shirt Use simple punctuation ?, ! ‘ “ “ Join sentences with “and”, “but”, “because”, “if” Year 2
The rest of the curriculum: Science Art Computing Design & technology Geography History Music P.E. R.E. P.S.H.E. S.M.S.C.
Assessment Teacher assessment taking place all the time – to indicate what the children need to learn Phonics assessment in Year 1 SATS in Year 2 Reading Maths Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Reporting to parents No levels Have children met the expected level for their age at the end of the year? Can they do everything in the programme of study for their year group?
And finally… We want our children to be happy, confident, responsible members of society, who enjoy their learning journey, whether in school or elsewhere, and reach their potential whatever their innate ability.
Any Questions?