Financial Resources Overview February 11, 2015
Outlook 2040 LRTP Update Goals & ObjectivesNeedsAssessment DataForecastsFinancialResources CostFeasiblePlan
What funding will be available and what new sources could be available? Projects can use Local, State, Federal or Private transportation dollars We will not have sufficient revenues to meet all of our needs
2040 Revenue Forecast Capacity Programs Year Total SIS Highways CST & ROW N/A Other Arterials CST & ROW $29.23$65.25$61.70$134.93$ TMA Funds$9.00$22.50 $45.00$99.0 Transit$18.10$46.40$48.80$102.30$ Total Capacity Programs $56.33$134.15$133.0$282.23$ Source: Florida Department of Transportation
MAP-21 Categories 25 Year Funding Projections (Capacity) 25 Year Funding Projections (O&M) Annual Project Funding (Capacity) Annual Project Funding (O&M) 10 Yr Project Funding (Capacity) 10 Yr Project Funding (O&M) National Highway Performance Program (NHPP)$0 Surface Transportation Program –Ded. (STPOA)$59$236$0$12$0$118 Surface Transportation Program Other*$764$3,056$0$153$0$1,528 Bridge Funding$0 Interstate Maintenance$0 Transit$0 Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ)$0 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)$0 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)$0 Other Federal Funding and Funding from SAFETEA-LU (unspent funding left over from previous transportation bill) Appalachian Highway System$0 High Priority and Congressional Earmark Funding$0 Totals: $823$3,292$0$165$0$1,646 $4,115$165$1,646 Source: Alabama Department of Transportation
Working with Escambia County to determine capacity projects that may be funded with the LOST Working with Santa Rosa County to determine if any capacity projects will be funded locally Working with Cities to determine if any capacity projects will be funded locally
Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) = $3.06 Million Districtwide Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) –TALU (Urban Funds) = $9.7 Million –TALT (Any Area) = $7.3 Million Operations & Maintenance = $9.5 Billion Districtwide
Document was reviewed last month –FDOT –ALDOT –FHWA –Staff A number of minor comments were received and all were addressed to the commenters satisfaction.
Approval of a motion to authorize the TPO chairman to sign Resolution FL-AL approving the 2040 Florida-Alabama Long Range Transportation Plan Financial Resources Report.
TCC Recommended… CAC Recommended…
Evaluation Criteria Development – Winter 2014/2015 Congestion Management Report Update – Winter 2015 Development of Financial Resources – Winter 2014/2015
Development of 2040 Needs Plan – Winter 2015 Public Workshop Series #2 – Early Spring 2015 Development of 2040 Cost Feasible Plan Fall/Winter 2015 Public Workshop Series #3 – Fall 2015 Plan Adoption – December 2015
Financial Resources Overview February 11, 2015