A lot of people from Pasvalys and district emigrate to England in search of a better life. It is weird, but in Pasvalys there is an Immigrant from England, who thinks that life in Lithuania is much better than life in other countries. A lot of people from Pasvalys and district emigrate to England in search of a better life. It is weird, but in Pasvalys there is an Immigrant from England, who thinks that life in Lithuania is much better than life in other countries.
We have interviewed him and learned a lot of interesting things about our country. For example: he thinks, that conditions and opportunities for starting a new business in Lithuania are very welcoming and favorable. The food in Lithuania is good and people are friendly and easygoing. We have interviewed him and learned a lot of interesting things about our country. For example: he thinks, that conditions and opportunities for starting a new business in Lithuania are very welcoming and favorable. The food in Lithuania is good and people are friendly and easygoing. We agree with Mr. Buckle and we love our country as it is. We agree with Mr. Buckle and we love our country as it is.
1. How old were you when you emigrated from homeland? 42 years old. 42 years old. 2. What was the reason of your emigration? a) Political b) Economical c) Professional d) Different (What kind?) b) Economical
3. What did you feel when you came up to a decision of emigration? a) Sadness, sorrow b) Excitement c) Joy d) Fear e) Different (What kind?) b) Excitement c) Fear 4. What were the criteria of the country selection? a) Climate b) Economical situation c) Relatives d) Different (What?) My spouse lived there.
5. Did you acclimatize in a new place? a) Yes b) Rather yes c) Rather no d) No a) Yes 6. What was the level of foreign language? a) I didn’t know any phrases b) Low – I used just basic phrases c) Intermediate – I understood the text addressed to me and I was holding simple conversations and I was holding simple conversations a) Advanced – I communicated easily a) I didn’t know any phrases
7. Did you go to a language school in a new place? a) Yes b) No 8. Have you ever faced any ethnical problems as an immigrant? a) Yes b) No 9. Did anyone help you to become acclimatized in new environment? a) Yes b) Rather yes c) Rather no d) No a) Yes, my family.
10. Did the community approve you? a) They accepted me b) They were neutral c) They rejected/ neglected me a) They accepted me 11. Did you make any friendships there? a) Yes b) No a) Yes
12. Did you like the place? a) Yes b) Rather yes c) Rather no d) No a) Yes 13. Did you adopt customs, traditions and life style typical for citizens of the country? a) Yes b) Rather yes c) Rather no d) No b) Rather yes
14. Did the national customs and traditions were cultivated by your family in exile? a) Yes b) Rather yes c) Rather no d) No b) Rather yes 15. How often do you visit your homeland? Quite often. Quite often. 16. Would you like to return to your homeland? a) Yes b) No b) No, I’m happy living here.
17. Do you think there is a difference between being a citizen and being immigrant abroad? a) Yes b) No b) No, in Lithuania there is no difference, only language. 18. What do you think – should there be special programs for immigrants? a) Yes b) No b) No, not really.
19. Can you call this country a new (second) home? a) Yes b) No a) Yes 20. Did the new country meet your social – economical needs? a) Yes b) No a) Yes 21. Did the cultural values of the immigration country were attractive for you? a) Yes b) No a) Yes