Warsaw, 19th September 2008 Transition Facility „Training of water quality monitoring for State Sanitary Inspection” Transition Facility „Training of water quality monitoring for State Sanitary Inspection ” Dorota Bevanda – Project Leader Environmental Hygiene Department – Chief Sanitary Inspectorate
The main aim of this project is to improve the system for sanitary supervision of drinking water quality based on Directive 98/83/EC and Directive 89/106/EEC concerning risk assessment for water, protection of human health and water quality improvement. Total project budget is EURO, including EURO of national co-financing. Within the framework of this project under the twinning contract the following will be achieved: - training courses, papers, reports, guidelines; Warsaw, 19th September 2008
2004/ : „Management system for drinking water monitoring in the Chief Sanitary inspectorate”: Total project budget is EURO, including EURO of national co-financing. 2005/ : „Extension of the sanitary supervision system in the field of water quality”: Total project budget is EURO, including EURO of national co-financing. Within the framework of the abovementioned projects under the twinning covenant the following will be achieved: - training courses, papers, reports, guidelines, additionally investments were made; Warsaw, 19th September 2008
Additionally, the TF 2006 project aims to: Improve rules for monitoring health risks caused by consumption of water of inadequate quality, including water-borne diseases, and health risk assessment, - Strengthen the quality of control activities involving determining chemical parameters of water intended for human consumption (in accordance with Directive 98/83/EC) performed in laboratories of the State Sanitary Inspection, Improve State Sanitary Inspection’s supervision over new technologies of water treatment and materials in contact with water, their impact on water quality, as well as possible consequences for human health, Develop strategy for informing consumers about water quality, including potential and existing emergencies. Warsaw, 19th September 2008
Current information: in December 2007 a new twinning contract was signedin December 2007 a new twinning contract was signed on 15 July 2008 Resident Twinning Advisor, Mr. Michael CSICSAKY, started his work with assistant Monika Stanisławska;on 15 July 2008 Resident Twinning Advisor, Mr. Michael CSICSAKY, started his work with assistant Monika Stanisławska; Warsaw, 19th September 2008
improve staff qualifications achieved training cycles Project aim: improve staff qualifications will be achieved through training cycles: Warsaw, 19th September 2008
improve staff qualifications achieved training cycles Project aim: improve staff qualifications will be achieved through training cycles: Warsaw, 19th September 2008
improve staff qualifications achieved training cycles Project aim: improve staff qualifications will be achieved through training cycles: Warsaw, 19th September 2008
improve staff qualifications achieved training cycles Project aim: improve staff qualifications will be achieved through training cycles: Warsaw, 19th September 2008
Development of risk management strategy for water-borne diseases, Preparation of a health risk assessment involving in particular occurrence indicators of pathogenic bacteria and parasites in water, Creation of Quality Management System procedures for State Sanitary Inspection’s operations within the framework of sectoral water policy, TF 2006 project benchmarks include: Warsaw, 19th September 2008
Project benchmarks include: Create monitoring and assessment system for biofilm on distribution network materials in line with European Accreditation System requirements, Prepare methodology guidelines for a drinking water quality reporting system, and a drinking and bathing water quality information system for consumers, Create a drinking water quality assurance scheme involving in particular determining chemical parameters in water intended for consumption, in line with Directive 98/83/EC. Warsaw, 19th September 2008
Thank you for your attention Warsaw, 19th September 2008