Exercise 3 Example> Write a C function that implements /* input : integer value n output : */ int f ( int n ) { int i, sum=0; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) sum+=i*i; return sum; } #include int f(int); int main() { int x, square_sum; scanf(“%d”,&x); square_sum=f(x); printf(“%d\n”,square_sum); return 0; }
1. Write a function integerPower(base, exponent) that returns the value of base For example, integerPower(3,4)=3*3*3*3. Assume that exponent is a positive, nonzero integer, and base is an integer. Function integerPower should use for to control the calculation. Do not use any math library functions. #include int integerPower(int, int); int main() { int b, e; scanf(“%d %d”,&b,&e); printf(“%d\n”,integerPower(b,e)); return 0; } int integerPower(int base, int exponent) { // insert your code here } exponent
2. (a) Write a function fact that takes a nonnegative integer as a parameter and returns its factorial value. Function prototype : int fact(int n); (b) Write a function e that estimates the value of the mathematical constant e by using the formula : ( You cannot add unlimitedly. Give your own limitation for the number of values to add. (e.g. Use 8) ). Prototype: double compute_e(); (c) Write a function ex that takes a floating-point value x as a paramenter and computes the value of by using the formula. Function prototype: double compute_ex(double x); (d) Write a program that takes x as a keyboard input and prints as an output.
3. Write a C program that gets an arbitrary number of positive integer values from keyboard and prints the smallest value and the biggest value. To end keyboard input, give -1 as an input. For example, Key board Input : Output : 2 55