English III American Literature THEMES CONFLICT DISCOVERY THE JOURNEY IDENTITY Choose one theme and freewrite about that theme until time expires.
“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
THEMES CONFLICT DISCOVERY THE JOURNEY IDENTITY Using one of the four themes as a basis as well as the Graffiti on the wall, write a collaborative interpretation of “The Road Not Taken.” Your chosen theme should be obvious to the reader, and you should cover all points of the poem.
As a group/pair, choose a song that relates to “The Road Not Taken.” (Incorporating one of the themes is optional.) As a group/pair on Wednesday: Play the song in class. Explain the relationships (at least three) between the song and the poem. Bring me a copy of the lyrics with a brief, informal write up of the presented relationships (at least three). You will regroup on Friday and Tuesday to discuss/finalize. **Bringing lyrics for the class is optional.
Extra Credit Memorize/Recite “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost on Thursday, January 12 for a quiz grade. You will be graded on your recitation. Sign up on the form on the back table. If your name is on the form Thursday, I expect you to recite the poem.
A Personal Application of “The Road Not Taken” Using the specified format and guidelines, write an essay about a path in life that you chose and how it “has made all the difference.” Be sure to include your thoughts, actions, feelings while you stood at the fork in the woods (figuratively speaking). Some questions to help guide you are: What was your other choice? Did you make the right decision? Do wrong decisions exist? Do you second-guess the decision you made? Predict your life if you had chosen otherwise.
Be sure to include all four themes in your essay (identity, discovery, the journey, conflict) Its organization can be determined by you. Your format is as follows: – One, typed page – Times New Roman, 12 Font – Double-spaced, one-inch margins – No research paper heading—only title The essay (hard copy only) is due Friday the 13 th at the start of class.