Comprehension Strategies Wanda Fougere Deborah Graham Chris Wentzell Barry Wilson
Comprehension Strategies What ’ s Your Read On This? READ ON…
Relating what you are reading to: Your life (text to self) Another text (text to text) Something in the world (text to world) Making connections activates and utilizes prior knowledge
The picture you create in your mind as you are interacting with text. The “ movie ” that plays during the reading. What do you see?
What images or pictures did you see as you were viewing the text? What specific words helped you to create that picture in your mind? How did your picture change as you read?
What were you wondering about as you interacted with the text? For example… What does ________ mean? Why did the author use a particular word or point of view? What just happened? Why did it happen?
Making assumptions based on clues within the text. Reading the spaces between the words.
What is the text mostly about? Can you tell me about some of the important ideas that struck you? What is important to remember about this text?
A merging of the learning resulting in a deeper understanding of the text. How did your thinking change? What are some of the new ideas you now have? How does this fit in with what you already know? Putting together the pieces of the puzzle.
Before reading activate prior knowledge With evidence provided guess what is to happen Prediction can change as more information is revealed Affirming predictions