Lesson 1 What is Energy? Year 8 Science Transferring & Transforming Energy. HCSC, Term
Learning GoalSuccess Criteria To create a mind-map of starting knowledge To define the term Energy I’ve demonstrated my starting knowledge in a mind-map I’ve defined Energy in my workbook
Whole class instruction Lesson overview Today we will be: Activating prior knowledge by using the word Energy in a sentence, and listening to others. Listening and watching New information about the guidelines to mind mapping. Apply new information to achieve success criteria and learning goal, by creating your own mind map of your starting knowledge of energy. You will also watch a short video about energy and record a definition of energy. Review Expectations: In Todays lesson it will be important for you to pay attention.
Activate Prior Knowledge Think of the word energy and record it in a sentence under the heading Activate prior knowledge (energy sentence). Read out your sentence or share with a partner and volunteer sentences. Independent/ Collaborative and Whole Group Focus
Whole Group Focus New Information Listen to new information about mind- mapping. Check out some mind-map examples. Create your own mindmap
Whole group focus/ Collaborative focus The Mind Map is a powerful learning tool! Invented by Tony Buzan ◦he studied the brain and how we learn ◦A mind map mirrors how the brain stores and retrieves memories, makes connections and see’s relationships. What is a mind map? ◦Has a central starting image ◦Uses curved lines (thick-thin like the branches in a tree) ◦Pictures with few words ◦Is colourful All because your brain remembers things best using pictures and colour! Research shows a person who created and reviewed a mind map has the potential to remember 98% of the information contains, 1 day, week and even 1 month afterwards! Turn and talk to the person next to you about why you think a mind map can be a powerful learning tool.
Whole Group Focus 7 Rules of Mind Mapping 1. Start in the center of a landscaped page, 2. Use an image or picture for your central idea 3. Use colours throughout 4. Connect your main (thickest) branches to the central image, then connect 2 nd level (thinner) and even 3 rd level (even thinner) branches 5. Make branches curve and flow and horizontal 6. Use one word per line, same length as line 7. Use images throughout.
Apply New Information Create your mind map Remember the mind mapping laws! You have 20 minutes of class time to map your starting knowledge. If you are not finished it is homework. Independent work
Whole Group Focus New Information Pay attention to the Energy power-point presentation (slides 1-3) Under the heading Energy definition, record your own definition of Energy. Watch the You-tube clip on “What is energy” v=o_5oYuDY2qM&feature=related v=o_5oYuDY2qM&feature=related Discuss key questions at the end of the video Key Questions ◦What kinds of energy are there? ◦Can energy change its form? ◦Does the amount of energy in the universe change?
Independent work focus Apply New Information Record your answers to the key questions in your workbook. If these are not finished in class you are to do these in your own time.
Goal Review What did you learn about Energy today? Goal Review What did you learn about Energy today? Success Criteria: I’ve demonstrated my starting knowledge in a mind-map. I’ve defined Energy in my workbook and answered key questions. Success Criteria: I’ve demonstrated my starting knowledge in a mind-map. I’ve defined Energy in my workbook and answered key questions.