Rubrics for Assessment By: Ramesh Sabetiashraf Santa Ana College
2 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Today’s Agenda What is a rubric? Why use rubrics? Building a rubric. Grading with a rubric. Sharing rubrics. Collaborative assessment. Q & A
3 Ramesh Sabetiashraf My Background Adjunct faculty of Computer Science and Business/Marketing since Developer of educational technologies since Personal and professional interest in assessment.
4 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Rubrics - Definition Etymology: Red (ochre) Red markings used as directions in religious services Red markings by teachers on student assignments A formal scoring tool
5 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Rubrics in Education Descriptors Levels Criteria Rubric: A scoring tool used in subjective assessment.
6 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Build a Simple Rubric Go to Become a faculty member. 1. Select rubrics from top menu. 2. Select Studio from sub menu. 3. Click on Start from Option A
7 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Build a Rubric (part 2) Fill in the blanks and press save & preview. Title and description Rubric area
8 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Rubric Preview Rubric preview. Let’s change it. Click on edit.
9 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Add a Divider Row 1.Click on Simple Divider. 2.New section is added. 3.Press Save & Preview.
10 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Preview Rubric with Divider New divider
11 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Managing Rows and Columns Move column left 2. Delete column 3. Move column right 4. Move row down 5. Delete row 6. Move row up 7. Add column Add rows 8. Criteria row 9. Simple divider 10. Full divider
12 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Advanced Rubrics Criteria Weight Criteria Description Simple Divider
13 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Advanced Rubrics Full Divider
14 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Applying Rubrics 1. Preview a rubric 2. Click on “Apply to…” on top Options: Grading class assignments Collaborative assessment
15 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Apply to Coursework Method 1: From rubric preview select “Apply” Select “… apply to coursework” Method 2: Go to a coursework Select a rubric
16 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Grade coursework with Rubric
17 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Graded Rubric Highlighted cells reflect your assessment. Comments can be added.
18 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Grade Statistics
19 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Collaborative Assessment Multiple evaluators use the same rubric to collaboratively evaluate a single item 1. Go to Apply from a rubric 2. Select what type of item to be assessed 3. Set assessment title, dates, etc. 4. Select evaluators 5. Notify evaluators
20 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Rubrics in Assessment Pre-assessment: Describe expectations Assessment: Score performance Post-Assessment: Provide feedback
21 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Reliability of Assessment Assessments can be valid (in the right area) but not reliable (produce incorrect score) A copy of assessed rubric given back to a student helps reliability Assessment done by multiple evaluators (using a rubric) that arrive at the same score proves reliability of assessment
22 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Pros Standardized assessment (alignment with standards) Setup: Setup once, use many times Reuse pre-made rubrics Pre-assessment Expectations are clear Students know when their work is enough (when to stop) Time-saving on both faculty and student side Assessment Grading may take less time Adds objectivity to subjective scoring Post-assessment Students get better feedback Alleviates faculty from explaining the reason behind a grade Students help fine tune rubrics (see Assessment Reliability)
23 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Cons Setup: Time consuming Pre-assessment Requires planning May prevent students from working harder due to over- clarification of expectations Assessment May miss some areas if not planned well May put restrictions on the grading May add undesired objectivity to subjective assessment Not a good tool for objective assessment Post-Assessment Score/criteria for scoring may not be agreed by student
24 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Designing a Rubric Define criteria/characteristics E.g. Program execution User interface Performance Bugs Source code quality Readability Comments Structure Efficiency Define levels E.g. Poor Fair Excellent
25 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Future Features Peer-evaluation Full integration with webfolios Rubrics for websignments
26 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Availability Rubric tools are available for free at: Rubric Knowledgebase:
27 Ramesh Sabetiashraf More Information Download handouts at My website: My s: or Please contact me to schedule a demo Hands on demo: Tuesday March :00 AM – TechEd Conference, Ontario, CA.
28 Ramesh Sabetiashraf Q & A ?