Moon Phases Sun-Earth-Moon System Notes
Rotation Earth – Spinning on its axis – Causes day & night Takes 24 hours Moon – Spinning on its axis – Takes 27.3 days
Revolution Movement of an object around another object – Earth & Sun – Moon & Earth Earth Year = 364 ¼ days Moon Year = 27.3 days Moon’s rotation (1 day) is equal to Moon’s revolution (27.3 days)
Moon Phases Caused by the positions of the Moon, Earth & Sun Phase of the Moon you see depend on how much of the sunlit side of the Moon faces the Earth Moon goes through all phases during every revolution (8 Phases Total)
Eclipse When an object in space comes between the Sun and a 3 rd Object then a shadow is cast on that object.
Solar Eclipse Moon passes between Earth & the Sun – Blocking light from reaching the Earth – Sun Moon Earth
Lunar Eclipse Occurs at Full Moon Earth is between the Moon & Sun – Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon – Moon appears dark – Sun Earth Moon
Tides The rise and fall of the level of water every 12.5 hours – It rises for 6 hrs then falls for 6 hrs Tides occur mainly because of difference in how much the Moon pulls on different parts of Earth Gravity = main factor
Spring Tides High tides = high water level Low tides = low water level Happens twice a month when the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon are nearly in a straight line. – Occur during the Full Moon and the New Moon
Neap Tides High tides = low water level Low tides = high water level Happens twice a month when the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon are at Right (90°) Angles. – Occur during the Quarter Moons