C LASS 4 Earth and Space Science
W ALK A WAY Knowing more about Earth and Space Having experimented on one another Knowing at least 5 reasons that Science is the best subject ever.
A GENDA Learning lab (experiment on each other) Phases of the Moon activity
L EARNING L AB What age group would you like us to be? How challenging of a group would you like us to be?
D EMONSTRATING C ONSTRUCTIVISM - D ISCOVERING THE P HASES OF THE M OON Rather than read and answer questions about the phases of the moon, let’s do an activity together…
E ARTH AND S PACE - P HASES OF THE M OON In your group, draw a large circle with a much smaller circle in its center. Label the inside circle “Earth”. The outside circle is the orbit of the moon. With pencil, lightly draw a giant + sign though your whole paper. Now, lightly with pencil, draw a big X through your paper. It should now look like this:
M OON P HASES C ONTINUED Make 8 post-it notes with half shaded circles. Each time a line crosses the moon orbit circle (the big one), put down a post it note with the lit side toward the sun There should now be 8 moons around the Earth. Label the right side of the paper “The Sun” The Sun
M OON P HASES Next to each moon draw a picture of what you would see from Earth of the moon.
L ABEL THE M OON P HASES Source: MoonConnection.com
E VALUATIONS Work from this class will be returned next week.