Auger Showers Catalog (Auger Database) Jean-Noël Albert - LAL - May 2000
JN Albert -- Lyon / May 2000 Auger Database2 Simplified Model Shower Header Producer Run Simulation Aires Corsika Simulated Shower Real Shower
JN Albert -- Lyon / May 2000 Auger Database3 Current SQL Implementation n Showers: description of a simulated shower –ShwId internal identification of the shower –ShwNumber shower number from the simulation –Fname name of the file –ShwType type of shower –ShwDate creation / simulation date –Primary primary identification (see Issues) –Energy, Theta, Phi –Program AIRES, CORSIKA
JN Albert -- Lyon / May 2000 Auger Database4 Possible Extension ShowersSimulation Parameters Programs Primary Energy Theta, Phi X, Y... Date Description... Name, Value... Name, Version Hadronic, Version... Site Name OS, Version...
JN Albert -- Lyon / May 2000 Auger Database5 Pending Issues n Location of a file on a disk –related to the HPSS integration ? n Primary specification –text –Aires / Corsika value
JN Albert -- Lyon / May 2000 Auger Database6 Associated Tools n ShwLdr – Shower Loader –Load the description of the showers in the database –AIRES / CORSIKA files, “List” listing, XML description n ShwRd – Shower Reader –Simple tool to describe the showers –Generate listing of the shower descriptions (ShwLdr) –AIRES / CORSIKA files n shwdir – Shower Directory –Print the content of the database like ls n Web Interface
JN Albert -- Lyon / May 2000 Auger Database7 Implementation Shower Reader List Reader XML Reader Aires Reader Corsika Reader SQL Connection ShwRdShwLdrshwdir Java Aires Standard Library Aires File Interface Shareable Library ( Java / C++)
JN Albert -- Lyon / May 2000 Auger Database8 Information Flow Shw RdShw Ldr shw dir AiresCorsika ListXML DBMS Web Interface Batche s