Patients and Carers Influencing Commissioning Carolyn Wyatt, Patient Involvement/Information Manager Sheila Brown, Chair Patient & Carer Group North of England Cancer Network “Quality and safety for every patient every time”
Background NECN patients reported issues and variation in access and quality Compare with other cancer networks Eleven of the thirty two Networks responded to the survey The recommendations that came out of the survey were: Push for abolishment of charges for everyone Information on a choice of providers Quality products only to be provided
What was it like in NECN? Survey with Network Lead Nurses/Cancer Managers, asking the following questions: Who is your current supplier? How do patients access wigs i.e. voucher, letter, cheque? What is the monetary value? Who manages the contract?
What did we want in NECN? All our patients to be provided with a good quality wig, and a trained stylist who can customise the wig free of charge for the patient. The service to be seen as part of the patient's pathway and NHS treatment We had one really good service
What did we do? Timing really helped Procurement North East – reviewing contract Identified variation – Board Paper NECN worked with the partners to influence and develop a specification Influenced user involvement in the whole process
User Involvement – Definitely boldly going where no man has been before!
User Involvement Adapted 5 sense survey (Lancs & Cumbria) to assess and score environments of potential providers Attended the presentations of short listed applicants Contributed to final decision making for contract awards Updating patient information NECN New service went live 1 st April
The Future potential……. Working with Cancer Action Team to develop a national toolkit My New Hair has potential to support improving quality in partnership with NHS