Management Information System 12 OCT 2004 Management Information System (MIS) Final Presentation MIS OFFICE
MIS Structure
Foundation Concepts Fundamental behavioral, technical, business, and managerial concepts about the components and roles of information systems. Example: Basic information systems concepts derived from general systems theory
Development Processes How business professionals and information specialists plan, develop, and implement management information systems to meet Business opportunities using several strategic planning and application development approaches
Management Challenges The challenges of effectively and ethically managing information technologies, strategies, and security at the end user, enterprise, and global levels of a business with proper MIS
Diagram of a System Environment Other Systems Manufacturing Process Input of Raw Materials Output of Finished Products Environment Other Systems Control by Management Control Signals Feedback System Boundary
MIS Data Base Modules Data : collection of information Community Support Framework / Community Initiatives Cohesion Fund Public Investments Programme Private Investments Data : collection of information
Centralization Centralized server for data storage One single database Immediate update Immediate availability Centralized server for data storage
Access Only demands: Personal Computer Internet Connection Internet Browser
Electronic Submission Extra Tools Oracle Discoverer Data Mining & Reporting Electronic Submission HTML-XML Data Entry Application
Scope All Authorities involved Government Departments Managing authorities (MA) Paying authority Final Beneficiaries Control/ auditing authorities 25 Operational Programs (OP) and 4 Community Initiatives All Structural Funds / Cohesion Fund
Scope Priority /Measure / Sub-measure information Project Information Subproject Information (individual contracts)
Scope Programming Financial and Physical Monitoring Financial tables, Programme Complement tables, Project applications/approval and modification procedure and documentation, Eligible costs and dates, Intervention sectors (E.C. codification) Financial and Physical Monitoring Common “codified” data input, financial & physical indicators, Implementation reports, Financial Audit Reports, Follow ups on actions and recommendations
Scope: Payments Monitoring Actual expenditure report, Claims for draw-down, Payments detail to single invoice level, Report on received and pending claims, Funds Allocation
Data Exchange Flat file format regarding: - Planning - Monitoring information - Requests for payment - Annual and Final Report for each OP - Payments made by the Commission
Information System Resources used in MIS
Managerial Challenges Business Strategies Business Processes Business Needs Customer Relationships Business Partners Suppliers Business Customers Ethical Considerations Potential Risks? Potential Laws? Possible Responses? IS Human Resources IS Development IT Infrastructure IS Performance Organization Structure and Culture User Acceptance
Advantages of MIS MIS is an integrated man – machine systems that provided information to supports the planning and control function of managers in an origination .
1. It Facilitates planning 2. In Minimizes information overload 3 1. It Facilitates planning 2. In Minimizes information overload 3. MIS Encourages Decentralization 4. It brings Co ordination 5. It makes control easier 6. MIS assembles, process , stores , Retrieves , evaluates and Disseminates the information .