CORE REFORMS – NOVEMBER 4 TH, 2009 Development Partners Comments
Focused discussion Work Planning Process Financial Management & Eligible Expenses Monitoring & Evaluation and Reporting for Results Procurement Dialogue process including Review Processes Late Disbursements
Workplan Process Challenges: Need for a more strategic orientation Need for stronger ownership Inclusion of recurrent cost in the workplans Inordinate delays in workplan revisions Need to plan more effectively and economically Work plans do not reflect all funding sources How are the activities re-profiled from one year to the next? Quality control
Workplan Process Impact of challenges: Delays in workplan approval and disbursements Lack of information with regards to reform objectives DPs not confident that GoT guidelines & systems are being applied or are adequate Questions as the Value for Money of activities Calculation errors and inaccuracy
Workplan Process Best Practices & Proposed way Forward: A clear vision is defined Greater focus on reform-oriented activities Detailed operational narrative to accompany workplans Agreed and endorsed standards for planning Workshops, allowances, miscellaneous costs, foreign training, vehicles More inclusive workplans (basket and non-basket) More rigorous quality control
Financial Management & eligible expenses Challenges: Outdated rules and regulations promote an accountability gap Adherence and responsibilities to GoT rules & regulations in question Growth in personnel expenses; allowances, honoraria, per diems DPs forced to overly scrutinize work plans to ensure legitimate expense allocation CR Units face Financial management human resources constraint Weak reporting: late, low accuracy & information gaps
Financial Management & eligible expenses Impact of Challenges: Audit queries (both in TZ and DPs headquarters) Delays in approving reports Subsequently delays in approving further disbursements Reputational risk and increase of frustration towards core reform agenda
Financial Management & eligible expenses Best Practices & Proposed way Forward: Design and approve Financial Management Guidelines for all Core Reforms Revision of GoT rules and regulations Joint agreement on personnel remuneration with improved regulation and scrutiny Improvement of audit function Increased resources and capacity for FM in MDAs Better predictability in Donor funding and harmonised procedures in reporting requirements
Monitoring & Evaluation and Reporting for Results Challenges: Institutional arrangements and incentive structures not focused on results Planning and reporting tools are oriented towards input/output instead of towards outcome/impact Limited knowledge and experience on how to set up M & E systems, reluctancy towards TA Reliable data not available in many areas e.g. gender disaggregated data
Monitoring & Evaluation and Reporting for Results Impact of Challenges: Core reform management is lacking data to redirect interventions for more effective reform implementation Weak linkages between strategic plans, resource allocation and results Displaced priorities and focus in reform implementation Lack of knowledge for planning Misdirected Dialogue between GoT & DPs Broad participation in the monitoring processes endangered
Monitoring & Evaluation and Reporting for Results Best Practices & Proposed Way Forward: Some experiences gained (LSRP, BEST, NACSAP) Technical Assistance needed? A systematic approach to review expected results in plans in relation to achieved results and to recommend interventions to improve reform implementation. Broaden the Dialogue on outcome and impact of core reforms with various stakeholders
Procurement Challenges: High dependence of reform programs on procurement of intellectual services Lack of procurement staff/expertise and lack of communication to improve the process Lack of project management skills Negative incentives for results caused by sitting and statutory allowances Lack of vertical accountability on results to counteract mis-incentives and vested interests
Procurement Impact Challenges: Delays in implementation Cost effectiveness compromised Complaints and court cases over mis-procurement, possibly leading to extra cost for government Focus on process versus substance/impact Loss of reform ownership High operational costs
Procurement Best Practices & Way Forward: Engage decision makers in the process On the job training on procurement and project management Improved transparency and communication throughout the stages of procurement Accountability to time bound results Penalise members of procurement committees/evaluation committees for slow/bad delivery of procurement
Dialogue Challenges: Key forums for dialogue not timed in conjunction with other planning & budgeting processes Differing perceptions of the rational/purpose of dialogue Decisions making leadership absent Inadequate sharing if information and lack of preparation inhibits high quality dialogue
Dialogue Impact Challenges: Ineffective dialogue Reporting is constrained Disbursement difficulties due to inadequate reporting on spending and results Problem solving delayed
Dialogue Best Practices & Way Forward: Agreement on meeting frequency and held to account Documentation submission with adequate time for review Clear agreement on representation Clear evidenced follow through on agreed actions