Performance Management Reporting: Quarter 4 Guide to Q4’s reporting Overall performance for Q4 Key Service Priorities Other performance indicators Next steps
Guide to Q4’s Reporting = There are no Key Service Priorities with this status, as end of year reporting = Target will be achieved in Q1 2006/07 = Target will not be achieved within Q1 2006/07, or is no longer applicable. Policy Committees will need to formally sign them off in next Committee cycle.
Overall Performance for Q4
Overall Performance for Q4 (cont’d) 10 actions have been achieved in Q4. 4 actions have been achieved in Q4.
Key Service Priorities: S&R Committee
S&R Committee (cont’d) 1 action at : Implementing proposals for consulting with young people. – Pilot Sports & Leisure Survey undertaken with 2 schools in Borough in March. – Results being analysed – reports due to be produced in May. – This target will be achieved in Quarter /07. There are no actions at
Key Service Priorities: Environment Committee
Environment Committee (cont’d) 2 actions at : – Piloting the Environmental Action Zone (area behind station). Survey sent to all households in affected roads before Easter (12 May closing date). Report going to Environment Committee on 28 June. This action will be completed in Q1 2006/07. – Recycling 18% of the waste stream when measured at end March. Overall figure for the year was 17.71% (0.29% below the target).
Recycling Figures 2005/06
Environment Committee (cont’d) There are 2 actions at : – Operation Cubit – identifying and implementing 2 new initiatives. Operation Cubit temporarily suspended due to DVLA contractor losing the contract for enforcement. New contractor not yet appointed. Surrender scheme due to commence in June. – Achieving “Secure Car Park status” for Hook Road Car Park. Further meeting planned with Accreditation Manager in May. Latest position should be known after this meeting.
Key Service Priorities: Leisure Committee
Leisure Committee (cont’d) There are no actions at There are 2 actions at : – Working with Friends of Epsom and Ewell Parks, using the results of the Open Spaces Audit, to develop basic management plans for identified parks. The Audit has now been received and this action needs to be re- evaluated. – Achieving the financial targets for venues. Considerable effort took place to achieve the targets. Playhouse: £60k saving across 04/05 and 05/06 (built into budget): Net income from professional performances £34k below target. Ebbisham Centre: £30k target for 05/06 not met, but level of income has increased from previous years. Improvement in overall net financial position across the 2 years, but not to extent of target set.
Key Service Priorities: Social Committee
Social Committee (cont’d) There are no actions at There are 2 actions at – Using B&B accommodation (as an option of last resort and not for longer than 3 weeks). 1 case of household with children placed in B&B due to exceptional circumstances. Statutory target met, and household now re-housed, but did remain in B&B for longer than 3 weeks. – Implementing the contaminated land programme for 05/ sites with domestic premises prioritised to commence investigation in 05/06. 2 sites have been completed. Preliminary intrusive sampling undertaken on 2 further sites - levels of contaminants above soil guideline values. 2 nd phase of sampling dependent on finance. Progress on the other sites is dependent on the results obtained from the 2 sites in progress.
Other Performance Indicators 4 actions are at : – GOSE crime report. – BV 11a - % of top 5% of earners that are female (at 18.75% at end March – target was 21.43% (2.68% behind)). – Business continuity. – Environmental Protection & Community Enhancement Improvement Plan monitoring. Head of Development reviewing outstanding actions. 1 action is at : – BV 16a - % of employees with a disability (at 2.18% at end March – target was 3.31%.
Next Steps It is recommended that Financial Policy Panel refers areas of concern to the relevant policy committees, where managers will report on the latest situation and make proposals for action / remediation. Particular attention needs to be given to those Key Service Priorities at as these need to be formally closed.