Tea Tree Gully Library Community Noticeboards 24 March 2009 Helen Nixon
Eastern entrance door nearest to car park on left of image.
To right of image is community room where CYWHS ‘Getting to Know Your Baby’ sessions are held on Tuesdays at 1.30.
Direction sign to ‘Getting to Know Your Baby’ session held that day
Selection of notices on the top left of eastern notice board 24/3/09
Selection of notices to bottom right of eastern noticeboard 24/3/09
Selection of notices and pamphlets to centre of eastern noticeboard 24/3/09
Five notices on eastern noticeboard address parents of pre-school children (pix below) 1.Kindermusik 2.Banksia Park Family Kindergarten 3.Kinderballet dance classes 4.Speech pathology for children 5.ABC Payneham child care service
There is a second noticeboard west of the first one, located in the corridor leading to second community room. It is similar in most respects but contains some different notices. This board now has a fixed plaque on the bottom left corner that announces how the notices are regulated.
On the bottom right of the western board is a disclaimer notice about the contents of notices and pamphlets that is produced in a similar style to the notice about regulation.
Selection of notices on top left of western noticeboard 24/3/09
Three notices on western noticeboard address parents of pre-school children (pix below) 1.ABC Hope Valley child care service 2.‘Ready steady go’ fun sports + exercise for kids 3.Speech pathology for children (NB. this is the only notice in this category which appears on each noticeboard)
ABC Hope Valley notice in context
This flyer appears on the western board and in the pamphlet holder below the eastern board. A scanned copy follows.
Fun sports and exercise flyer in context
Speech pathology notice in context on western noticeboard 24/3/09