UNCLASSIFIED 11 Joint Education and Individual Training U.S. Joint Forces Command Ms. Elizabeth Lape, MS.Ed GS-14 Lead, Education and Individual Training.


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Presentation transcript:

UNCLASSIFIED 11 Joint Education and Individual Training U.S. Joint Forces Command Ms. Elizabeth Lape, MS.Ed GS-14 Lead, Education and Individual Training Programs Doctrine and Education Group (DEG) 22 Sep 10


Agenda JKO Update Doctrine Update JFSC/PME Update DEG Initiatives Educators Conference JPOC/JTF 101 The Future of Joint Individual Training

UNCLASSIFIED Atlas Pro 2.0 LMS Knowledge as a force multiplier  I mproved User Interface Web 2.0 Compliant Gadgets for Configurability iGoogle look and feel  Improved Training Mgmt Ability to model organization Ability to create training groups Mandatory training models  Improved Reporting  Event schedule ( timeline TBD ) LMS 2.0 availability as a “Try Me” LMS 1.0 will remain available LMS 2.0 will become default after “Try Me” period  Training provided via user guides, courses and DCO sessions

UNCLASSIFIED Format of Staff Training Programs in the new AP2 LMS Comments from JKDDC personnel on requirement…… “ 5

UNCLASSIFIED Doctrine Update 6

UNCLASSIFIED All Pubs That Have Been Signed JP , Psychological Operations (7 Jan 10) JP 3-30, Command and Control for Joint Air Operations (12 Jan 10) JP 3-10, Joint Security Operations in Theater (3 Feb 10) JP 4-09, Joint Doctrine for Global Distribution (5 Feb 10) JP 4-05, Joint Mobilization Planning (22 Mar 10) JP 3-52, Joint Doctrine for Airspace Control in the Combat Zone (20 May 10) JP 6-0, Joint Communications System (10 June 10) JP 3-09, Joint Fire Support (30 Jun 10) JP 3-31, Command and Control for Joint Land Operations (29 Jun 10) JP 3-22, Foreign Internal Defense (12 Jul 10) JP 3-61, Public Affairs (24 Aug 10)

UNCLASSIFIED JP Amphibious Embarkation and Debarkation (Oct 10) JP 4-03, Joint Bulk Petroleum and Water Doctrine (Oct 10) JP , Antiterrorism (Nov 10) JP 3-68, Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (Nov 10) JP 1-04, Legal Support to Military Operations (Nov 10) JP 2-01, Joint and National Intelligence Support to Military Operations (Dec 10) JP 3-0, Joint Operations (Dec 10) JP 3-07, Stability Operations (Dec 10) JP 3-08, Interagency, Intergovernmental Organization, and Nongovernmental Organization Coordination During Joint Operations (Dec 10) Pending Signature in CY 10 (17) 8

UNCLASSIFIED 9 DEG Community of Interest (COI) on JKO Certification support documents Links Doctrine Changes and Status Certification support documents Links Doctrine Changes and Status

UNCLASSIFIED 10 The Joint Qualification System Statutory Tour Lengths 36 month (O-6 & below) 24 month (GFO) Tour Length Waivers Available JPME I & II / AJPME Required JPME Waiver Available Full Credit TRADITIONAL PATH S-JDA (JDAL) EXPERIENCE PATH E-JDA Cum. Credit JQS POINTS LEVEL I + 18 Points and JPME I LEVEL II + 18 Points and JPME II / AJPME JOINT QUALIFIED OFFICER (JQO) [ LEVEL III ] GFO Full Joint Credit and CAPSTONE LEVEL IV + 24 Points and CAPSTONE Joint Qualification Level = Joint Education + Experience Pts + Other Pts

UNCLASSIFIED Joint PME update JPME I obtained from: - Service Schools JPME II obtained from: - Joint Forces Staff College (10 weeks) - Senior Level Education (10 months) AJPME can also be considered for Level II JQO - 40 weeks at JFSC, only for reservists Update on other issues: - NDIC for JPME I and non-resident delivery of JPME II through JFSC on hold. 11

UNCLASSIFIED 12 Initiatives Update Course certification -Triennial course reviews started in OPRs with courses expiring in 2011 have started to receive notifications. -Notifications sent 6 months prior to expiration. - Annual reminders to review course data sent out on certification anniversary. -- Review course data -- OPR data

UNCLASSIFIED Initiatives Update -continued- Joint Course Database -Beta-testing. -Auto-generated re-certification notification s have begun. -Joint Doctrine and UJTL update notifications will begin soon and be sent only as updates are issued. (For joint certified courses only.) - Granting stakeholder requests for database access expected by the end of Jan Request reports and review individual course records.

UNCLASSIFIED Initiatives Update -continued- Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) -Providing course certification reports to DMDC. -DMDC is a stakeholder and will gain access to the joint certified course database. -DMDC not currently capable of Web Services database pushes. Future initiative.

UNCLASSIFIED Educators Conference USJFCOM one successful, even recommended to Van Riper review of JFSC Noted as a possible fix in response to HASC O&I report finding. Joint Staff JEDD/JFCOM will be coordinating with the Combatant Command(s) for a possible future event.

UNCLASSIFIED JPOC/JTF 101 Courses Requirement to be combined with JOPES course for Army designation 3H JTF 101 and Joint Force Reserve Orientation Course (JFROC) online needed to be updated Combining efforts to produce a set of modules that would map to requirements of all 3 If all complete, will consist of 26 modules, 84 lessons for about 82 hours of instruction Will be available on JKO

UNCLASSIFIED HASC O&I Recommendation from the study: “ The Secretary of Defense, the CJCS, the Service Chiefs, and the Joint Staff should develop remedies for the shortcomings identified by the Fenty and CNA studies that targeted education, training, and modifications to relevant personnel processes. Officers should complete appropriate education before they are assigned to a joint or senior service staff.” JS Comment: Training (Individual) is considered an integral element of Joint Learning; JPME content alone should not satisfy all joint learning requirements A CJCS policy on Joint Individual Training would codify mapping skills to billets 17

UNCLASSIFIED Joint Individual Learning Enterprise DEG JointCourseCertificationStaffTraining Institutional Programs JDTC, JTS, JID JKDDC JS J7 MECC

UNCLASSIFIED J2 J4 IO, etc. Level 101: Common Training JSO 101 Level 201: Directorate Training Certified Courses Level 301: Functional Training Joint Individual Staff Training

UNCLASSIFIED Issue 09-xxx: Identifies year generated and number of issue (Does not change). Describes joint training capability / requirement that is adversely affected and requires resolution. Discussion: Describes the critical elements of the issue / problem in sufficient detail based on Command/Organization discussions to develop potential solutions (Does not change). Endstate: The desired solution to sustain / increase joint training capability / readiness (May change based on development of POA&M) POA&M: Description of the possible steps to solve an issue / problem. POA&M will be visually displayed on a timeline at the bottom of the slide using the following symbology (To be refined and developed by OPR / OCR) OPR: OCR: Propose office primary responsible to coordinate and implement a solution USE 14 PT FONT AND SPELL OUT ALL ACRONYMS AT FIRST USE Issue Slide for 11-2??? (Staff Competency Training – JSO 301??) MAR 10 MAR 11SEP 10SEP 11 Action complete Action milestone End state achieved Funding proposal drafted Funding proposal staffed Funding proposal approved Funding identified Funding provided to COCOMs Used to depict actions on the timeline that have been completed. Used to depict and track major actions that must occur to resolve an issue / problem. DEC 10 JUL 11

UNCLASSIFIED 21 Issues / Questions?