Engaging in Social Media to Spark Conversations by Brian Solis, FutureWorks and PR Social(izing) Media
"We are the people formerly known as the audience." Jay Rosen
The Chain of Influence has Evolved One to Many
The Chain of Influence has Evolved One to One - Now Includes People
Markets are Now Conversations It’s a cycle driven by the voices and connecti ons of people and their networks Brand
Markets are Conversations – Participation is Marketing the cluetrain manifesto
What is Social Media Short Version Anything that uses the internet to facilitate conversati ons Longer Version Social Media is the democratization of information, tr ansforming people from content readers into content publishers. It is the shift from a broadcast mechanism to a many-to-many model, rooted in conversations be tween authors, people, and peers.
What is Social Media? It's about people It's about community It's about participation The shift from monologue to dialog It has changed traditional media and marketing, it has not replaced it
Social Networks Photos Blogs Podcasts Mircroblogs Micromedia Social calendar Documents Video Livecasts Social bookmarks Crowdsourced news Comment and community marketing Virtual worlds Wikis New Media Releases Lifestreams and workstreams Tags Social Media Landscape
Robert Scoble ’ s Social Media Starfish
People Are the New Influencers Gone are the days of talking “to” people and controlling the message from company to influencer to audience. Now companies are forced to let go as "audiences" ha ve given way to the very people we chose to leapfrog f or the greater good of mass marketing. Brands have become democratized. Audiences have e volved into factions of people linked together by comm on interests. Messages have deteriorated into a lost la nguage that no one cares to revive, not even Mel Gibs on.
It ’ s About Sociology & Anthropology It’s not about technology Sociology is the study of human social behavi or Anthropology is the study of human societies and cultures and their development Technology simply provides the tools to facilit ate conversations online Humanize your story by matching it to the cult ure and the people driving the communities y ou’re trying to reach
Answer These Questions Why are you interested in participating in Soci al Media? What are your intentions? How will you measure success? Why should you get invited to the party? What will you do if your tactics get you and yo ur company slammed?
Find the People that Matter In order to reach people, figure out who they are and where they go for information. –There is no magic bullet for reaching everyone all at once Focused communications cultivates relationships and loyalty Less is more
It All Starts with Listening Technorati Google Blogsearch Google Alerts BlogPulse Individual Networks Reading Observing
Participation, Not Marketing Do not participate as a marketer, engage as a person It’s about conversations, not messages You’re working with people, not audiences Know what the hell you're talking about –Humanize the story Be a resource, not a sales person Go “native” - become part of the community Learn Respect the communities you engage in and they will respect you –Companies will earn the relationships they deserve
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