Local-Scale Observation Site (LSOS) MicroMet Measurements February 2002 - IOP1 March 2002 - IOP2 February 2003 - IOP3 March 2003 - IOP4 Janet Hardy, ERDC-CRREL.


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Presentation transcript:

Local-Scale Observation Site (LSOS) MicroMet Measurements February IOP1 March IOP2 February IOP3 March IOP4 Janet Hardy, ERDC-CRREL 28 May 2003

Co-Investigators Danny Marks Tim Link & Richard Essery Aled Rowlands John Pomeroy Also… Geoff Koenig, Rae Melloh, and Jerry Ballard - ERDC

N LSOS Layout Distance (m) IOP3 and IOP4, 2003 Open area outline GBMR-7 with view FMCW radar U. Mich. Radiometer Truck CRREL Radiometer Arrays U. Tokyo Met JPL Trees U. Tokyo Soil Probes U. Mich. Met U. Mich. Radar Truck Sub-canopy Met Sites Trees estimated Trees measured Snow Pit locations

The LSOS in Pictures - Clearing Look East Look Northeast Look North

The LSOS in Pictures – Dense Pine Canopy

The LSOS in Pictures – Open Pine Canopy

MicroMet 2002 IOP 1 and IOP 2 Sub-canopy energetics – Hardy, Koenig, Pomeroy, Marks & Link Met tower in dense pine Three radiometer arrays Thermal imaging camera Thermocouples in forests Met tower in clearing – Koike & Graf, U. of Tokyo

Sub-canopy Met in the Dense Pine IOP1 through IOP2 Air Temperature Relative Humidity Wind Speed Wind Direction

Sub-canopy Radiometer Arrays Open Pine Site 10 Eppley Pyranometers 2 Eppley Pyrgeometers Dense Pine Site 10 Eppley Pyranometers 2 Eppley Pyrgeometers

Solar Variations Around an Individual Tree IOP 1, 2002 – Tree Well IOP 2, 2002 – Canopy

Exergen Thermocouples Infrared Camera Hypodermic Thermocouples Kipp & Zonen Net Radiometer

Spatial and Temporal Thermal Variability Dense PineOpen Pine Canopy Looking Up Cloudy DayClear Day VS. +4°C -1°C-5°C +16°C Digital Infrared Camera, Infrared Solutions, Inc. John Pomeroy, University of Wales

MicroMet 2003 IOP 3 and IOP 4 Sub-canopy energetics – Hardy, Koenig, Pomeroy, Link, & Marks Met towers – dense and open pine Eddy Covariance System – dense pine only Radiometer arrays – dense and open pine Thermal imaging camera Thermocouples in forests Met tower in clearing –University of Tokyo Met tower in open pine – University of Michigan

Sub-canopy Met in the Open Pine IOP3 through Snowmelt Air Temperature – 2 hts. Relative Humidity – 2 hts. 3D Sonic Winds – 2 hts. Snow Depth Snow & Soil Temperature Soil Heat Flux

Sub-canopy Met and Eddy Covariance in Dense Pine IOP3 through snowmelt Air Temperature – 2 hts. Relative Humidity – 2 hts. Wind speed & dir. – 2 hts. Snow Depth Snow & Soil Temperature Soil Heat Flux Latent & Sensible Heat Flux Carbon Flux CO 2 Concentrations Air & Vapor Pressure Net Radiation

University of Tokyo Met at Clearing Edge IOP1 and IOP2 IOP3 and IOP4 Precipitation

University of Michigan Met in Open Pine Nov – June 2003 IOP3 and IOP4 Air Temperature Relative Humidity. Snow & Soil Temperature Soil Moisture Soil Heat Flux

Potential Applications for High Spatial Resolution Met Data at LSOS Model Development and Validation Scaling of Processes, Measurements and Models