Chapter 3, TIE into Practice: Technology Integration Examples ED 6346: Literacy in Technology Professor: Christopher Quek Date: July 08, 2010 Group #3: Outskirts Ules Baxter Heather Dixon Lusinda Frost Angelique Ross Stephanie Ross
A demonstration of tasks students will be expected to perform.
CATEGORYExcellent WorkVery Good WorkPoor WorkNo Credit Problem and Solution Content Reflected comprehensive knowledge of solar system; all facts and ideas were completely accurate; there was a good match of problem and solution. Reflected fairly good knowledge of solar system; most facts and ideas were completely accurate; there was a good match of problem and solution. Reflected some knowledge of solar system, but there were several factual inaccuracies; the solution was not the best match for the problem. Reflected limited and/or inaccurate knowledge of solar system; there was little or no relationship between the problem and solution. Clarity of Problem and Solution Both problem and solution were clearly stated; other students could readily understand both. Both problem and solution were fairly well stated but needed some clarification. Either the problem or the solution required extensive clarification. Both the problem and the solution required extensive clarification. Presentation Organization Presentation was extremely well organized; content was divided into logical sections for presentation, and transitions were smooth. Presentation was usually well organized; content was divided into logical sections for presentation, but transitions were somewhat uneven and choppy. Presentation was somewhat organized, but there were no transitions within the presentation. Presentation was choppy, confusing, and difficult to follow. Presentation Mechanics Presentation was interesting and compelling; visual aids and/or multimedia were used and were well designed to support content. Presentation was fairly interesting; some visual aids and/or multimedia were used and were well designed to support content. Presentation was acceptable but could have been more interesting and could have used visual aids and/or multimedia better. Presentation was uninteresting; no visual aids and/or multimedia were used. Cooperative Group Work Project and presentation work was divided equally; each student had a clearly defined role in the work; it was clear that students worked well together. Project and presentation work seemed to have been divided equally, but exact roles needed clarification; students seemed to work well together. Project and presentation work was not divided equally; roles were unclear, but students seemed to work together. Only one or two students did all the work of the project and presentation; there was little evidence of cooperative work.
How did the Alien Rescue software offer relative advantage in comparison to other ways of teaching scientific inquiry that Mr. Leroy had used in the past?
gets students involved makes experimentation safe makes the impossible possible saves money and other resources allows observation of complex processes allows repetition with variations
Mr. Leroy designed a five-item survey to assess students’ attitudes toward using this approach to learning science. What kinds of items would you include on such a survey?
Which roles could you assign to individuals in each working group of students to help focus their tasks and make their work more efficient?
Leader Recorder Time Keeper Presenter Errand Monitor
One of the tasks students completed to collect information was to design and send out space probes, which the Teacher’s Manual said was a fairly complex activity. Why shouldn’t Mr. Leroy create a directions sheet for students on how to do such a complex task?
too much structure works against the purpose and design of software PURPOSE: ◦ demonstrate a problem-solving approach to assigned problems ◦ work in small groups ◦ create and present new problems and methods to solve them ◦ enjoy using inquiry methods
Mr. Leroy found that students’ scores on the solar system test varied across the class. What could he do to make sure that students were more uniformly successful on this kind of test?
formative assessments use data to identify struggling students provide extra support ◦ interventions done by teacher ◦ buddy system ◦ drill and practice/tutorial software give students multiple attempts to improve test scores
What NETS for Students skills would students learn by completing the Alien Rescue project?
%20Photos/Mystery/Portfolio/magnify%20question%20mark.gif %20Photos/Mystery/Portfolio/magnify%20question%20mark.gif Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching: Fifth Edition (M.D. Roblyer and Aaron H. Doering) References