1/14/ Middle Distance 1500 Meters
1/14/ Physiological Development in Endurance Events Aerobic Anaerobic Strength Biomechanical Critical Zone
1/14/ Energy Demands in Racing Specific Event Demand During Racing Aerobic Demand (Vo2 Max) Anaerobic Demand (Neuromuscular) Combined Zone Race Specific Aerobic Energy Race Specific Anaerobic Energy 50-75% Fluctuation Critical Zone Anaerobic Reserve 25-50%
1/14/ Aerobic/Anaerobic Contributions
1/14/ Energy Source Comparisons for Middle Distance and Distance Events “Classic” Model Energy Source Mar Aerobic (%) Anaerobic (%) “Current” Model Energy Source Mar Aerobic (%) Anaerobic (%) *The “current” model was determined using the latest methodology in oxygen kinetics, and with a much more elite subject population than the “classic” model.
1/14/ Energy Distribution at 1500 Meters
1/14/ Sports Science Testing to Determine Individual Athletes’ Profiles: Max VO2 vVO2 Max Lactate Lactate Threshold Aerobic Threshold Fractional Utilization of LT & AT based on vV02
1/14/ % of Vo2 Max
1/14/ Aerobic: Aerobic Power Development of Cardiovascular System Cardiac Output VO2 Max
1/14/ Cardiac Output Heart Rate X Stroke Volume = Cardiac Output Stroke Volume 60-65% of Vo2 Max. Improvement in stroke volume and/or heart rate improves cardiac output. Endurance running training improves output as much as 2.5 times L.min (untrained) L.min (trained)
1/14/ VO2 Max is: The maximal amount of oxygen that your heart can pump to your muscles, and that your muscles can then be used to produce energy.
1/14/ VO2 Max Mathematically is: HR X Stroke Volume X aV02=VO2 max
1/14/ Vo2 Max Maximal Oxygen Uptake HR x SV x Avo2 difference Racing Performance Maximal Effort for 10 Minutes Young Athletes 3200 Meter Best Elite Women – Meter Best Elite Men – 5000 Meter Best
1/14/ VO2 Max is: A DATE PACE workout. Start as soon as possible in the season
1/14/ Cardiovascular Adaptations to Endurance Running Heart size, weight & volume increases Left ventricle chamber & wall thickness increase Stroke Volume increases Resting heart rate decreases Lower steady state heart rate Blood flow increases to working muscles Blood volume & composition increases
1/14/ Sports Science Testing to Determine Individual Athletes’ Profiles: Max VO2 vVO2 Max Lactate Lactate Threshold Aerobic Threshold Fractional Utilization of LT & AT based on vV02
1/14/ Aerobic: Aerobic Efficiency * Development of Lactate Threshold & Aerobic Threshold * Substrate Capability * Cellular Oxygen Uptake * Capillarization * Aerobic Metabolites
1/14/ Aerobic Threshold Fatty Acid Primary Energy Source below threshold Glycogen Primary Energy Source above threshold 65-70% of Vo2 Max
1/14/ Lactate Threshold Blood lactate production exceeds removal Shift from complete oxidation to contribution anaerobically Below point, no accumulation of lactic acid
1/14/ Improvements in Thresholds Improvements in both thresholds occur with endurance running training. Improvements in Aerobic Threshold marks an increase in the use of Fatty Acids at increasing running speeds thus sparing glycogen. Improvement in Lactate Threshold marks an increase in glycogen sparing through a more efficient breakdown of glycogen as a substrate, this sparing will increase the running speed of this threshold.
1/14/ Muscular System Slow Twitch Muscle Fiber Oxidative Fast Twitch Muscle Fiber Increased Capillarization Increased Mitochondria, size & number Increased Oxygen Extraction (avO2 Difference)
1/14/ Metabolic System Increase in Myoglobin Increase in Fatty Acid, Storage & Usage Increase in Glycogen, Storage & Usage Increase in Aerobic Enzymes, Volume & Activity
1/14/ Sports Science Testing to Determine Individual Athletes’ Profiles: Max VO2 vVO2 Max Lactate Lactate Threshold Aerobic Threshold Fractional Utilization of LT & AT based on vV02
1/14/ Anaerobic Glycolytic Anaerobic Efficiency Anaerobic Capacity Lactate & Phosphate Tolerance Buffering Event Speed
1/14/ Anaerobic Glycolytic System Glycolysis & Glycogenolysis Phosphofructokinase (PFK) & Phosphorylase Buffering Capacity & By-Products of the Anaerobic Glycolytic System Muscle Fiber Recruitment Fatigue & the Anaerobic Glycolytic System
1/14/ Anaerobic Glycolysis Glycolysis = ATP generating metabolic process-Glucose to Pyruvic Acid Phosphofructokinase (PFK); Phosphorylase; Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Sodium Bicarbonate; Muscle Phosphates; Hemoglobin
1/14/ Anaerobic Glycolytic Adaptations to Training Glycolytic Capacity & Endurance improved with training Glycolysis & Glyogenolysis enhanced by adaptations to three main enzymes; PFK, Phosphorylase, & LDH Increase in Buffering Capacity, 12-50%; Sodium Bicarbonate, Muscle Phosphate, & Hemoglobin Increase in Muscle Fiber Recruitment & Contractile Forces
1/14/ Fatigue & Anaerobic Glycolytic System Accumulation of Hydrogen Ions (H+) and Increase in Acidity Levels Accumulation & Increase in Acidity will decrease Metabolic & Contractile Activity Effect PFK Activity H+ accumulate in Ca++ storage area Myosin & Actin Cross bridge Action Neuromuscular Junction
1/14/ Neuromuscular Strength Strength Endurance: Contractile Endurance Elastic Strength Contractile Power & Elasticity Specific Strength Core Strength & Functional Strength
1/14/ Strength Training Goal of Strength Training Recruit greater amount of muscle fibers then when running distance events Minimize ground contact time Improve Posture and as a by product, improve running mechanics Become a better all around athlete (Ethiopian & Kenyan model)
1/14/ Biomechanical Body Mechanics Recovery Mechanics Ground Preparation Mechanics Impulse Mechanics Arm Action Mechanics
1/14/ Combined & Critical Zones Physiological (Aerobic/Anaerobic) Biomechanical Psychological Tactical