European Centre for Smartmedia and e Inclusion ECSeISheffield Dr Shaun Topham
The natural place to look, learn and contribute to smart technology An active community and resource that is positioned to see what is coming and has the knowledge, strength, and connections to help it to happen. A window into and out of Europe European Centre for Smartmedia and eInclusion ECSI
Harnessing and exploiting the potential of smartmedia: Promoting confidence in the technologies Providing strategic guidance and delivery capability to those wishing to get into the swim Supporting businesses by providing market intelligence and channels to market Fostering interoperability and co-operation across Europe Reducing duplication and waste Sharing best practice (UK, EU, World wide) Supporting partnership working European Centre for Smartmedia and eInclusion ECSI
Promoting Social Inclusion and Accessibility by engaging with Potential end users Third sector groups Gov initiatives & projects Standards initiatives Equipment and system suppliers Addressing wider needs by engaging with: Citizens Businesses large and small - as system users Businesses large and small – as suppliers UK Government – Central & local EU Projects, Cities, Regions and member states ECSI European Centre for Smartmedia and eInclusion
Background European Centre for Smartmedia & eInclusion SCC European Project momentum eEpoch network Gershon and eGovernment Agenda Lack of coherence Duplication Disparate advice Incorrect advice Economies of scale Lack market uptake Fragmentation ECSI
One-stop Shop Advice Link to training, best practice and operations Advice on use of smart technology to achieve policy objectives (eInclusion, eDemocracy, Citizenship, Engagement) Functions Education and Knowledge Development Training, conferences, meeting rooms, Showrooms/videos etc, Showcases for suppliers Pure research – the extra mile Secondments Standards and Best Practice Home for standards bodies / Interest Groups Monitor, evaluate & influence: standards bodies/industry groups. Form industry/use groups where there are gaps Repository for best practice eg survey techniques, user needs repository Operations…the Virtual Organisation Design, Build, manage, warehouse for Open source and other software Testing and accreditation Realise the total available market…eg digital certificates ECSI
European Centre for Smartmedia and eInclusion
Progress Local and National “sounding out” Sheffield City Council funded activities Hosting LASSEO Centre Business Plan Stage 1 approval from Yorkshire Forward – an active Project Launched at Sheffield Conference May Built in to new start European Projects
What are we doing? Finalising funding arrangements with Yorkshire Forward and completing business plan including organisation Sheffield-led NFPD partnership Local National European Building into a number of projects & initiatives SPES eEpoch CarmenCertiserv EU PayPharmaclick FASTW.Spes P*P*PDATES Benefits NP eCitizen Hanse PassageSmart Card NP
So where are we? We need to create a sustainable Centre over 2 to 3 years. We will have capital but need to create future revenue streams To be successful we need to identify market gaps that we can fill.
and what can you do? Sign up for it and help to make a difference Check out what we want to do Make (constructive) suggestions Contact us & get involved :