Please don’t say a thing about the Seahawks game… We are recording it right now to watch later!
Committed to passionately... Live like Jesus lived, Do what Jesus did, and Advance His Kingdom together.
… Experience God’s Original Design Faith is the assurance of things hoped for… Hebrews 11:1
What is meant by “God’s Original Design” An example is found in the biblical character Gideon. In Judges 6:12-16 we read where God sent an angel to alert Gideon to His original design for him. While Gideon was threshing wheat in a hidden space for fear of Israel’s enemies the angel called out to him and addressed Gideon as “Mighty hero” - and proceeded to tell him that he would be God’s deliverer for Israel. Gideon’s response was one of disbelief and rebuttal. His experience and personal perception was anything but a mighty hero. He told the Angel he was the least in his family which was the smallest of the weakest clan in all of Israel. Yet we see that God’s original design for Gideon was true. Gideon was transformed into a mighty warrior who delivered Israel from its enemies.
What is meant by “God’s Original Design” Another example: In Luke 1:5-17 we read where God sent an angel to alert Zacharias about his yet-unborn son and specified God’s original design for John who as the Angel predicted became John the Baptist. The Angel disclosed God’s design for John the Baptist: they would have a baby (though they were too old), his name would be John, many people would rejoice at his birth, he would be great in the Lord’s sight, live a life of exceptional purity, turn the hearts of many in Israel back to the Lord, have the spirit and power of Elijah, and prepare the way of the Lord. Zacharias’s response was one of disbelief. Yet we see that God’s original design for John was true. John did become everything the Angel had said.
What is meant by “God’s Original Design” Another example: In Luke 1:26-33 God sent an angel to Mary and foretold the birth of Jesus. The Angel disclosed God’s design: Mary would have a son (though she was a virgin), his name would be Jesus, he would be called the Son of the Most High; the Lord God would give Him the throne of David, He would reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom would have no end.” Mary’s response was to ask “How could this be?” When she was told the answer, she replied in faith and obedience stating, I am the “ bond-slave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.” v 38. Again, we see that God’s original design was fulfilled. Jesus did become everything the Angel had said to Mary.
What is meant by “God’s Original Design” More about Jesus: Mary was told by the angel “you shall name Him Jesus.” The Hebrew version of this name is Yeshua which means “Yahweh is Salvation, Restoration, and Deliverance” or “God saves, restores, and delivers.” In Luke 19:10, Jesus tells his followers, “…the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” As we have discussed many times, the word “save” is the word “sozo” in Greek, which means salvation, physical restoration and deliverance. Jesus’ original design was foretold in his very name: Jesus! Again, we see that God’s original design was fulfilled. Jesus became everything the Angel had said to Mary.
What is meant by “God’s Original Design” And what about us? Could it be that we too have an “original design?” – The Bible provides General attributes – And Holy Spirit speaks to Specific personal attributes – The Bible provides General Purpose & Kingdom Roles – And Holy Spirit speaks to Specific Purpose & Kingdom Roles – Examples …
What is meant by “God’s Original Design” And there is more… God’s Original Design for… Our children Our marriages Our Purposes Our Church
Recapturing “God’s Original Design” We need to understand that it is not automatic: – We are opposed in this by the enemy of our souls – Yet, in Christ, we have authority as believers (prayer) – Strongholds often compromise God’s original design – We can learn how to defeat the enemy, destroy strongholds, and be set free to live in God’s design – It starts by discovering God’s original design for our lives, then for our children, marriages, Church, etc.
Recapturing “God’s Original Design” To repeat… it starts by discovering God’s original design for our lives, then for our children, marriages, Church, etc. And then becomes a powerful ministry tool for our life encounters with others: – Non-believers – Young adults – Prisoners – Businesses – Parliamentarians
Recapturing “God’s Original Design” A word for our church as we enter the new year… More of us will awaken to our original design More married couples will begin to understand and function in their Original Design Harborview as a Church will grow to better understand and walk in our Original design We will learn how to help others discover who they are Designed to be…
… Experience God’s Original Design Faith is the assurance of things hoped for… Hebrews 11:1
Committed to passionately... Live like Jesus lived, Do what Jesus did, and Advance His Kingdom together.