THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS WESTERN MOUNTAIN REGION D E S I G N A W A R D S U N B U I L T – P O W E R P O I N T S U B M I T T A L I N S T R U C T I O N S Upon downloading file from the AIA New Mexico web site please save file as 2008 WMR submittal number.ppt. Utilize the submittal number provided by AIA New Mexico where indicated for each project submitted. Each project submitted must have a separate PowerPoint file and be designated with the assigned submittal number. Multiple entries may be compiled on one CD. CD must utilize a PC format. Each project submittal file size must not exceed 20 MB Slide 1 is for instruction purposes only and should not be included in the submittal. Slide 2 is the project title/data slide. The project title/data slide must be the first slide of each presentation and shall contain the information requested. Slide 3 is the Concept Statement slide and must be the second slide of each presentation and shall contain a brief concept statement about the project in less than 150 words. Slide 4 is the additional project data slide – for unbuilt work only. The project slide must be the third slide of each presentation and shall contain the information requested. Provide a minimum of ten (10) and a maximum of twenty (20) PowerPoint color slides, including the project title/data slide, concept statement slide, and the additional project data slide. Utilize slide 5 and/or slide 6 for submittal depending on if a white or black slide background best supports your project graphics and images. You may mix white and black slides in your PowerPoint submittal if you desire. Place images and text so that the AIA designation located at the lower left corner of the slide remains visible. Utilize low to medium resolution JPG images only. More than one image may be placed on each slide if desired. DO NOT use slide transitions in your submittal. Each PowerPoint slide should contain a brief statement that describes the image in relationship to the design concept. Be concise and use Arial Font only and minimum 10 pt type.
(Project Name) Location – (City, State) Completed – (Month / Year) Building Area – (GSF) Entry (Number) (Project Title/Data Slide)
Concept Statement (Please give a brief concept statement about the project) (please limit to 150 words)
Additional Project Data - Unbuilt (Please respond to the following questions) When was design of this project started? What phase is the project in now? (schematic, design development, construction documents, etc.) Construction schedule: Answer one of the following: a) When is construction scheduled to be completed? b) If not currently planned to be built, why not?